My desire to sharpen my intuition, hell even understand what it was, was precipitated by a series of poor decisions that had me essentially flunking out of graduate school and landing back in my childhood bedroom.
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My desire to sharpen my intuition, hell even understand what it was, was precipitated by a series of poor decisions that had me essentially flunking out of graduate school and landing back in my childhood bedroom. This was not the life I envisioned for myself. So I found someone to help me, someone who could help me hone my intuition and trust that I knew how to make smart decisions that were in my best interest. I was 24 and I have spent the years since then listening to and taking action on the intuitive nudges I received. I have never looked back. Over the years I have learned and developed a set of tools that can assist you in uncovering your true nature, and that of your animals. In addition to intuitive skills, I have many energy healing modalities that I can use to assist in the healing process. I was 34 years old the first time I heard an animal talk to me. I had just adopted a 5 month old chow mix puppy and was absolutely convinced her name should be Zoe. There was one problem... she did not like the name Zoe. She did not like the name Zoe because that was not her name; her name was Sasha. Every time I called her Zoe, she responded, telepathically, with "Sasha". This back and forth went on for a couple of days until I finally understood what was happening and started calling her Sasha. The name Sasha felt authentic for her once I started using it, and we never looked back. Most animal communicators have that "one animal" that brought them to this work. Sasha was not that animal for me; the dog you see in the header of this web site was that animal. Her name was Red and she had a host of anxiety and PTSD issues that I just did not understand. Thankfully, my experience hearing Sasha convinced me that there was something to animal communication and other alternative healing modalities. I had an animal communicator talk with her and a shamanic practitioner did a soul retrieval on her. These things worked, but I know now that there is so much more that could have been done to help her and me have a deeper, more joyful relationship. I am so honored to be able to share with you all of the tools I learned that helped me on my journey. May they be a help and blessing to you as well. SHOW LESS
Ann is an author, Heartwalk Ceremonialist, animal communicator and psychic intuitive. By energetically reading your heart chakra Ann can help you connect more deeply with the seemingly discarded hopes and dreams of your life.