I help to empower women in relationships to be Loving Self-Advocates, especially when they are going throug a difficult life transition, like divorce or loss of someone they love.
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I help to empower women in relationships to be Loving Self-Advocates, especially when they are going throug a difficult life transition, like divorce or loss of someone they love. This shift to healing the heart is badly needed in women, to arrest the unhealthy aspect of people-pleasing, and help women to be confident in having those tough conversations. We know that women are suffering and in pain whether they are talking about it or not. In fact, NOT having these real and heartfelt conversations about what's REALLY going on for us creates illness in the body. To heal from trauma, we must have a felt sense of safety in the body FIRST, then get support knowing someone has our back, and then finally we can be creative and joyful and grow into the best version of ourselves. But it has to happen in that sequence. As women, we tend to plough through our feelings by staying busy and then we wake up one day and feel exhausted, burnt out and wondering what happened to us. Check us out: https://www.positivetalkradio.net/sup... https://kmmedia.pro/our-store Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/positivetalk... Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/positivetal... TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@positivetalkr... Twitter - https://twitter.com/positivetradio
Holistic Divorce Coach
Angie Monko is the owner of Harmony Harbor Coaching since 2008 and a Holistic Women’s Divorce Coach. She guides women to heal from the trauma of divorce so they can get their lives back move forward stronger and happier into their next chapter.
Angie created this safe space for women to become Loving Self-Advocates, where they honor and respect themselves.
Under Angie’s guidance in her workshops, retreats, private coaching and online programs, women are becoming healthy and vital leaders for themselves, their family, friends and all they influence. By healing their heart from the trauma of divorce and replacing harmful beliefs about their worthiness and deservingness with beliefs that affirm “I AM ENOUGH,” they are able to advocate for their needs to be met in a healthy way, receive support, and take actions that align with their spirit, heartfelt values and desires.
Angie has certifications in Emotional Freedom Techniques, Hypnosis and The Healing Codes and is well-versed in Donna Eden energy medicine, all designed to reprogram their thinking and heal their heart at an energetic, root cause level.