Kristina Rienzi, M.A., C.P.C., is a positive psychology coach and bestselling author of both fiction and non-fiction who has dedicated her life through psychology, coaching, leadership and writing to inspire and empower others. Her debut self-help book, 5 Happy Choices: The Simple Way to a Happier Life is a #1 New Release and Bestseller. Among Us, her latest novel was featured on Audible’s ACX University and an Audible Editor’s Select Pick. Kristina also holds an ELI-MP, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, CiHS and is currently pursuing a PsyD. She lives at the Jersey Shore with her husband and daughter. Visit her online at KristinaRienzi.com.
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Kristina Rienzi’s Bio
Kristina Rienzi, M.A., C.P.C., is a positive psychology coach and bestselling author of both fiction and non-fiction who has dedicated her life through psychology, coaching, leadership and writing to inspire and empower others. Her debut self-help book, 5 Happy Choices: The Simple Way to a Happier Life is a #1 New Release and Bestseller. Among Us, her latest novel was featured on Audible’s ACX University and an Audible Editor’s Select Pick. Kristina also holds an ELI-MP, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, CiHS and is currently pursuing a PsyD. She lives at the Jersey Shore with her husband and daughter. Visit her online at KristinaRienzi.com.