Kim is an amazing Author, Host of Let Fear Bounce podcast and Host of the Write Stuff, the author's voice TV Show, coffee drinker and dog Mom.
Kim shares her journey of living with PTSD, how she navigates through the tough days and how she turns dark moments into pieces of light and tosses them out into the world as a nugget of Hope.
Kim has been writing since 2004, showcasing her faith, nature, love of rescue animals, and living with PTSD.
She is the lead author and coordinator of a collaborative 3-book series titled When Grace Found Me and the soon-to-be-released book When Hope Found Me. In addition, she is the host of the Let Fear Bounce Podcast and The Write Stuff, the Author’s Voice TV Show on the Believe In Your Dreams TV Network and streaming on various streaming platforms.
You can regularly find Kim drinking coffee, walking in nature with her trusty rescue dog, Dexter, chatting with the critters, and coming up with new story ideas.
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Welcome to positive talk radio. Our goal is simple to explore evolving ideas, one conversation at a time. So stay with us. And right now we present one of the foremost media gods in the country is with us today. She's a media sensation. And, and she's a special lady her name. Yes, indeed. We worship You. We worship. We are so glad that you're here. She is a dynamic individual from Pennsylvania. Yes, indeed. And she was she would have been here a little earlier, but she got stuck behind a horse and a buggy.
Okay, that time that happened at times that happens.
But what's the rule? Are you allowed to pass a horse and a buggy?
Yes. Oh, that's good.
I I'm just I'm always very careful. I'm always very careful. Some people are running
a horse. That would be embarrassing if we ran into a horse.
So when any of that happens?
I'm sure that it does. I'm sure that it does. Kim Lang Lang is with us. And she is a podcaster of No, she's an author of No, she's a TV star. Hence the term media sensation. And she also gives out little bits of Hope everywhere she goes. And so we I was on her podcast the other day. We had great fun and, and you're on this one today, and you're gonna be we're gonna be doing more stuff in the future. It's great fun. So welcome to the show. How are ya?
I am doing well. And thanks for having me on. Again. This is it's always fun chatting with you. And you know, seeing where the conversation goes. Because you just never know.
No, we don't. Yeah, we can go anywhere. You can go anywhere and deep. You know, we are so lucky. And we were talking about this last time. I you know who I got to talk to today. Her name is Christine. And she was a top 10 finalist on Idol. American Idol.
Oh, wow.
Yeah, now she's got a children's book out. She's a mother of three. She walked away from the music business, which is which is hard to do and stuff. So. So anyway, that was fun. But you and I get to talk to some great people and including each other, which is kind of fun.
That's right, because we're great.
That's right, we've got and we got apparently nothing else to do so just just in case anybody's wondering, there seems to be a little bit of a delay that we've got going on between us. Does that does that make sense?
I can I can see the leg? Yes.
Yes. You want to it's sad that you don't like the one of those connections that they have at CNN when when one person is in the studio and the other person is in Afghanistan
And, and they have to count like out to the go to the counter two or three before the other person actually is able to respond.
That's what I'm doing counting in my head.
So hopefully, hopefully this will clear up here in a little bit. I'm gonna see if I can't get rid of a few things that maybe maybe that will help. Does that sound better?
It all sounds fine. It's just it seems like there's a delay and when we speak.
Yeah, I'm afraid I'm afraid so. Well, it will it will limit our spontaneity.
Yes, because I have to count to two in my head.
Well, how have you been since the last time we talked which is like a whole three days ago.
Busy. I'm always busy. I'm always working on something and meeting new people just like you are. And sometimes you meet like minded people and something just clicks and then you're all of a sudden coming up with all these really cool ideas of what it is you could do together and stuff like that. But I was actually just asked to be on the board for a organization horses and heroes. And that's for It's veterans and horror equine therapy. And it's a national thing. I was very excited about that. And I'm looking forward to see how that all unfolds as it as it as it goes, because it's relatively new and all kinds of different things they have in the works in the futures. So I want to know how that goes. Because of course, I'm huge veteran advocate, and any any way I can help support veterans, I want to
don't misunderstand the next question because you being a media sensation at all. But how do they find you? And how do they invite you onto the board?
It was through someone, I had another veteran that I had, maybe a year ago on my podcast. And he and I have kept in touch. And we're friends on through social media. And he lady somehow and referred me to her and said, hey, you know, if you want someone who's you know, passionate about helping veterans, you might want to reach out to Kim and talk to her and get to know her a little bit. And that's that's happened, it was all because of the podcast.
Isn't that amazing? How things just happen that way? Yeah, things just get lined up for you. And then the way they go, and then you're off on a whole brand new direction.
And it's, it's fun, it's fun seeing, seeing how it goes. And you know, what I learned to not stress about where my path is taking me to not try and force things like, oh, this has to happen, or why isn't this working and oh, and stressing yourself out? I decided, I don't know, about a year and a half ago just said, you know, what can let it all go the way it's meant to go? Don't stress. And if it's at a turtle pace, who cares? Because you're looking forward button, everything just go at its own pace. And since I made that decision, in my mind, I'm much more relaxed. And different doors are opening.
It's amazing. I was talking with a gal day before yesterday. And she was, uh, she got in contact with me because she wanted to get into, you know, coaching and motivational speaking and, and a lot of things like that. And, and then she called me up. And so I gave her some advice and talk to her for a bit. And I gave her my personal phone number in case she needed to contact me and wanted to because she said that she felt, you know, called whatever that means to contact me and stuff like that. So I never, I never doubt such things. Whether or not it's true or not doesn't matter. Because if they believe it to be true, then it's then from their perspective is true. And so then 10, he calls me and said, you know, everything you said yesterday was right. And by the way, I hate my job. It's like, oh, wow, you know, let's take a step back, and not force anything. That's, you know, you've got school planning, you know, and all this stuff. And I gave her the advice that you just gave the audience is that don't stress over it. Everything's gonna happen in divine timing.
Yes, the way it's meant to, and if you push it too hard, you'll get pushed back. Yeah, in some form. And I found that mice, and I'm sure many out there listening yourself included. If you're pushing too hard to try and force something to happen, you're gonna get pushed back from whatever direction and things aren't gonna work the way you want to. That's just my own experience. And so yeah, like I said, about a year and a half ago, I just said, you know, I'm gonna let things unfold. And, you know, I've said many times, that the people that we meet are just amazing. And the ones that are put in front of you, they're put in front of you for a reason, then you might not know what that is yet, you know, this one connection I had was from a year ago. You know, so it's I love I love watching how this how everything just kind of happens. You know, I'm very visual. So I get like this mental picture in my head. I'm walking down this path and different types of flowers start blooming. And that's how I'm looking at it. You know, that's the mental picture I have on my little pack half that used to feel so dark and filled with nothing the mud and stones is now you know, lined with gorgeous trees. And these flowers that just lume you know, they're just starting to open or some of them are, they're not open yet. And you're like, Okay, give it time, it's going to bloom minutes time. And so that's the mental picture I get in my head of my path. It's much better this way than it was when it was dark and muddy and filled with rocks.
Do you remember the movie The Wizard of Oz?
That's one of my favorite movies. Yeah.
And then and then and melanin and, and, and, you know, and, and when she goes down the yellow brick road and, and she was in Kansas, first of all, she was in Kansas, and it was black and white. And it was dark and, and we had a black and white TV. And then we got to, we got upgraded to a color TV. And I had seen the movie before when I was a kid. But I never had a chance to enjoy the panoramic color, that in those days, that was one of the first color movies ever made. And it must have been really shocking for folks. But but you know, going, I was just mentally going, you're going down the yellow brick road with all the flowers and, and everything in the pasture and stuff. So it's really cool.
I love that movie, the yellow brick road, and I too, we only had a black and old black and white console TV. Yep, that got three stage and had rabbit ears. So you always had to shift them to get the get rid of snow. And T and TV went off it. I think what midnight, the American flag and that and the national anthem would play at midnight. And then it was just snowed until the next day. Oop, yep.
Same thing. So we are apparently of a certain age, because there are people that are maybe listening to this now or in the future that are going wait a minute, three channels. Where do you live in like, Antarctica?
And yeah, and in those days, it was black and white. We had like a, a 26 inch black or white TV. And that's the only TV we had.
Yes, one TV. And it had that like big. It was rounded. The screen screen was rounded. Yes, it wasn't, you know, flat screen. And I know like you said the kids today they're watching everything on their phones or their iPads or computers, whatever. We had three stations ABC, CBS and NBC. And that was it. That was that was it.
Journey you know, I live my life through old movies or an old TV shows. Do you remember when Star Trek was on the original CD series? Yeah, and they have and they have the communicator that he would flip it open. It was like a flip phone is now and and we were like, gosh, this this is science fiction. That'll never happen.
Yeah, I do remember that I was an arm I was fascinated by Star Trek. The original when it first came out. I was fascinated by that show. Because you couldn't even imagine. You know and now look, it really wasn't if you think about it not that long ago and all of this stuff is like everyday normal now.
I'm waiting for teleporting. Except for teleporting. Teleporting and
also the food creator thing, whatever they call that. But that's, you know, I think those things are coming.
Probably, it's kind of scary, though.
Well, you could be like, letter McCoy who he didn't want to take his atoms and throw them all around the universe and stuff like that. So, but he's gonna go so. But there's so many things have changed in my lifetime. It is. It really is remarkable. And, and I'm, we're, I believe that you and I are living through the greatest period in human history.
Yeah, I agree. I actually do agree because we have we have so much opportunity in every aspect of life, that our parents and certainly our grandparents did not have.
No at all. No. Yeah. When my mother was born in 1930. They didn't have indoor plumbing in their house yet. Right. So it was still the old outhouse thing. I can't imagine having to go at three o'clock in the morning. Of course then they have the the what do they call them a chamber pot. Right. You know, so I don't I have no earthly idea how that would work but apparently did for somebody. But we're so lucky we've got indoor plumbing, and we've got everything out
chamber pot for the women way back when had had lids on them. They were very pretty porcelain bowls with lids and they would slide them under their beds. I was my grandmother was huge into antiques and go into auctions and flea markets. And all of that gave me when I got older, and we went to this flea market and I said, Look at this really pretty bowl. Is it a Super Bowl grandma? Look how pretty it is. She said that's a chamber bought I thought it was a really pretty suitable
well, you can put soup in it, but not twice. So yeah, it was fun when you consider that. Now you're you're a little younger than me. So what was your earliest memory that you have?
Hmm, being at my grandmother's house. And I think I was probably five, four or five. And my older brother who's four years older than me, we found baby bump bunnies, down this water pipe pretty hot. And we were bound to determined to save them and care for them. And all of that and we were able to pull whatever we could pull out with our little hands. And we brought them in the house to show grandma and say, look, we've saved them. And she said get them out of that. But that's one of my earliest memories is saving little bunnies from a water piping. Grant was out
saying you've been saving little bunnies for the rest of your life
I haven't thought of that in a long time.
See, see and that that's a metaphor for your whole life because you you you work to save veterans. You you give little pieces of hope to people you are doing a podcast you're doing a television show you're doing all this stuff. And it's all to save the bunnies
Oh are you there? I'm here.
Oh, very good. Did you get the last part that I said
now no screens blacked out.
Oh, we're having we're having difficulties today with modern technology maybe they're they're mad at us for talking about before we had technology
I was just saying that that your whole life that that saving those bunnies would have meant it was a metaphor for your whole life. Because you've been saving bunnies your your whole life to be them veterans and doing the television shows and the radio show and the podcast and everything that you do. And the little nuggets I hope you're saving bunnies
I had not looked at it that way. Well I haven't thought of that that memory hasn't come to me and well forever so interesting now, isn't it when you can look back and you see how a path was started how that first stepping stone was laid out for you?
Yep, it's all in when you look at it from that perspective. It's all it all lines up it's for what you should be doing and and stuff and so when in so that's that's that's your role as a you're a money saver.
So what what is your first memory that you can think of?
My first memory is going to going to kindergarten where I I got an A plus in blocks, and in, in naps, and I and also we lived next to a cemetery. And I remember I was the youngest of three being the youngest of three I was the one who got put into the grave they just dug
because I was the youngest of three and my brother had a rather sick sense of humor.
So did make you fearful Terry's route. You're
it's no, we actually played on the, in the cemetery quite a little bit. The only thing that scared me was when there was when we noticed that there was dark smoke coming out of the chimney of the crematorium.
Oh, burning somebody
that went, Yeah, I actually, I like cemeteries, I find them very peaceful.
I agree. I agree. Because there's nobody there.
They're not. But some people are feel fearful or get sad. I, I will go and visit my grandmother, and my grandfather. And I just I'll take coffee with me and I'll take a little blanket and I just sit on the ground and chit chat. It's, it's comforting to me, I guess that's the word. Because then you think of all those other souls that are there. And the lives that they lived in, and I like walking around and seeing you know, the timeframes, and, you know, go and especially going way back in the back end to where all the really old tombstones are. And, you know, finding some family members that you weren't aware of way back in there, and you just wonder about their lives and how all of that happened. For you to be standing there that all those lives were lived. And then that's what that's what had you come along, you know, that whole continuation thing? I don't know, I find them I find them peaceful.
They are it I agree with you. I enjoyed that as well going and looking. Oh, look at this. This one was you know, like from the 20s or, or the 1800s. and stuff. And it's, it's, it's remarkable to me, when you start looking at the history of people and how long people have been around and stuff that that there's so many people have died. You know, you don't think about it like that. Like there's so many of us and and our time here so short. But that's why we get to do other stuff.
I know that in like you said, We're of a certain age, I heard you find yourself thinking more about alright, you know what, I'm heading into the winter season of my life. I'm no longer in the spring and summer. I'm like halfway through my fall season and heading into the winter season. It's does that make you uncomfortable? When you're thinking about where you're at in your life, age wise, age wise.
It only from the standpoint of it is going too damn fast. And I've got too much to do. But my best friend from high school, died when he was 64. I am now older than my older brother, because he died when he was 64. So do you ever pick up the obituary and go, Oh my goodness, there's another young one. Or, you know, and so many, so many people are my age. I'm 65. Now, so many people are dying, have between 65 and 75. Three in that age frame. So I'm going I've only got eight to 10 years left. That's not enough time I need more time. So of course having said that, it would be better if I took better care of myself too.
What it is that yes, you have you do have to put more effort into taking care of yourself the older you get, and I've noticed that too. So you know I have I've had to shift how my routines are, you know my daily routine. Because I got diagnosed with this wonky kind of diabetes. It's it's an uncommon form of diabetes. So that completely shifted my life completely. About a year and a half of Go that's when my whole mindset changed a lot of things. But you know, changes your, your whole outlook on things I found anyway, because I look at my mom, she just turned 80. And I remember my grandmother passed away at 80. And I remember thinking he was really old. And then now it's like, my mom just turned 80 It's it kind of a strange feeling to wrap your brain around sometimes.
It really is now, you being a woman and a beautiful woman at that. You will live longer than I will. Statistically speaking.
Statistically, women do Yeah.
Yeah. So which, which is why I remember I was actually took my my mother to lunch. And we went to, I think it was Red Lobster. And as we were walking in, there was a, a van from a retirement community that was parked out front and in the handicap section. And so when we walked in, there was this great big, there's row of like 14 people in the middle of the, of the dining room. And there were 12 women, and the 12 women were laughing and carrying on and having a great conversation. I mean, they all would have white hair and, and my mother who dyed her hair till the last day, she lived, always said, look at those old people. And of course, she was of the same age and stuff, but But then I looked at, I looked at the two guys. There were two walkers at the table, and they both belong to these guys. Now they're the only guys left and all the other guys were dead. And and they were just sitting there like, and this was my impression of what they were looking like
they weren't saying anything. They weren't engaged. They weren't laughing and carrying on like the women were and, and stuff like that. It's like, I don't want to be that guy. I want to be vibrant. You know,
but I agree. I you know, I've often threatened my I told my daughter for years since she was little, and she's going to be 33 here pretty soon. And I've told her I want to be known as the crazy Brady, the one that's outside feeding and talking to the birds every day, in a ratty old sweater with whatever rescue dog I have with me at the time. And I keep on I'm going to that's that's why I want to be known as the crazy bird lady. Now that I'm in my 50s I feed all the critters I talked to all the critters, including the birds, and my daughter at least now acknowledges that yes, I am the crazy bird lady. And I'm like, Thank you, I taught you well.
Wow. But you know, there's a point in your life when you realize that, that everything is temporary and just enjoy yourself and enjoy life and and you just do the best you can. Because that's all you can do. And there's kind of come a time. Well, I did. I told you the story of my mother. Right? How she passed?
No, I don't I don't think so.
She passed a year ago, July. And I talked to her on Tuesday, which we are Tuesday was our day to get on the phone and talk to one another. So I talked to her on Tuesday, she went and went out to dinner on Wednesday. She played bridge on Thursday, went home and died on Friday. Nobody, nobody thought that she was ill. She didn't seem to be ill and everybody but she just it was her time. And it was was. And so she she passed. And it was a surprise to everybody. But you know, but that's, that's what happens to us is that there comes a time when it's our time. And she had bigger plans to go to. There was a party for her and everything. So you know, it's okay. So
hi. Go ahead.
My grandmother. It's similar, a similar story. She was at that morning. And she's an avid golfer, and Walker in all of that. So she was doing her normal thing down down in Florida, doing her normal routine and she went every two years she would buy she would buy a new Lincoln Town Car. That was her thing every two years. Lincoln towncar. So that day she went and got her new car, went and played nine holes of golf, came home, had lunch, laid down for a nap I just didn't wake up.
I can't imagine a better way to go.
So I said, What an awesome last day.
Yeah. Yeah, because we all get to have one. And it would be nice if the your last day was pleasant. And an in, you'd be nice if you got to see some relatives and stuff, but you'll you'll see them and there'll be there'll be fine. Now, let me ask you, do you do you feel like are you apprehensive of your own death?
No, no, I
Okay, for for me in the face that I have, I know where I'm going. Not fearful where I may end up because I know where I'm going. In my own faith. Doing a one thing that does worry me though, and I know I shouldn't worry, because it doesn't do any good. I don't want to leave anything left undone. And I want to make sure that my daughter is set and is fine. Now she is there, I have no need to worry about the knitting in the back of my head. Because I just have the one daughter. And I know when it's my time, it will be very difficult for her. So I want to I worry that I won't have everything in place to take as much stress off of her as I can. If that makes sense.
Yep. It certainly does. Which, which also, by the way, if you're listening to this, and on your to do list is to do a living will. And to update all of those things. So the end, and make sure all of your financial information is all taken care of. So that so that it's easy to find, and that your healthcare is in good shape, that. So there aren't a bunch of bills at the end of the day, and all that kind of good stuff. That's the best way to help our kids, I think is to make it as because it wasn't so easy for us when my mom died because she wasn't expecting it. And so she didn't share her financial information with us because I'm going to be living longer than you are. So why should I even worry about it? She did.
I have as much in place as I can, right now. And I regularly tell my daughter remember this, this and this is in this envelope, this envelope and this envelope in this safe, which is over here. You know, I have as much in place. But you know, here's another good thing for people to think about pre planning and prepaying for your funeral.
Yes. All right. And well, not only that, making the decision whether or not you want to have one.
Right. You know, I've found a lot of people lately, don't. They don't want one. Or instead of being the typical viewing and burial and all that. It's now more cremation. And maybe a like a picnic in the summer, instead of having a memorial service or an actual funeral. I've seen that more and more lately in the last couple of years.
Yep, yep, there is. I think there's a movement that having a funeral. And it's expensive. Number one. And number two, you know, I don't know about your mom. But I don't. When my mom passed, we really had no idea who her friends were, or who to send an invitation to. And all of her friends were in their 80s and 90s. And, and she'd lost so many of them that it was hard to keep up. So we have a family thing, but that was really more so all we did. And I don't think Do you know who John Edward is? No, he is a psychic medium. He is. So he talks to me. He talks to dead people. And he's one of my favorite people. And he had a lady asked him one time, she said my son passed away. And I can't and we were very distraught. And so we buried him. And but we found out but I remembered later that he wanted to be cremated. And John said one of the most profound Things that I that I can I can say to that he said, after 30 years of doing this work, I can tell you this, nobody cares. Because it's like, what was your first car?
Plymouth horizon,
I beat you, I had a Plymouth Fury three river 383 and of the Hudson and it cruised at like 90 miles an hour. It was a 1967. And I didn't doubt that I was driving in 67, I was only 10. But that's when my parents bought it anyway. But I drove that car for a number of years, sold it and didn't drive it again, never knew what happened to it, and it didn't care. That's the same thing that happens to us is when our body stops functioning, when it's time for the car not to work anymore. We leave the car to go do what we do. But we don't care about what happened to the car. Because we don't guess we're gonna go get into a new car, or we're gonna go do something else. And so that's so when I when I look at death I'm not crazy about the process, you know, of doing that. And also the the family members and, and and meeting and settling all your stuff before you go. But I'm not worried about I'm not worried about the outcome. Because I'm my good friends. I'll tell you this to Kim. I'm going to haunt your ass. So they're
What do you what do you say to that? I don't have any idea.
Okay, then.
Exactly, it'd be fun to say hi. It'll be fun to say hi. So. So you're just we're just kind of bantering about and talking about silly stuff. But no, not silly stuff. But, but what's on your mind today?
What's on my mind today, you know, for a couple of days, and that's kind of thrown my my schedule and routine off. And the poor guy. He's been waking me up in the middle of the night and having messes in the house, which he's never done. So you know, he doesn't feel well, because he's not able to make it to me before I can get him outside. And so I haven't slept well, last couple of days. And he's, he's feeling better, but it's still it's so much like you've got another kid. And he's he's my buddy. You know, it's it's him and I every day all day. And I just I feel bad. When he doesn't feel good, just like when my daughter when she was little or even now, when she doesn't feel well, I feel bad. And you know, you want to make it better and take care and all of that. So actually, that's the last couple of days. That's been what's been foremost on my mind is making sure I'm watching him close so I can get them outside.
Amen. I'm sure making a mess in the house is like beyond embarrassing to him.
Yeah, he doesn't. He was. He was acting almost fearful, although he has nothing to fear here. And he knows that. But his head was hanging. And I couldn't get him to come back downstairs because he came up to get me and I came down and just went something happened. And I couldn't get it. He didn't want to come down. And I was like, come on. It's okay, you're not in pro because he literally never messed in the house. Now he's a rescue. He's about two years old when I got him and I was amazed that he never once messed in the house even being nervous or scared you know for being a new place. So yeah, he's been at nighttime that's spent two nights in a row he's done this so I'm hoping tonight that we can sleep through because he is he seems to be feeling a little bit better. Poor guy
you know, I feel so sorry for you because we as humans, if we choose to we have a little bit of privacy because we go off and we shut the door and all that kind of good stuff and i Nobody knows what goes on in there except for us. But dogs and stuff there. They don't get that opportunity. So it's like that's very public what happens to their to their systems.
Okay, I don't know you must not have pets because I do not ever have the opportunity to just go to the bathroom and shut the door. without without Dexter coming in and sitting there and staring at me the whole time
checking to make sure that you're okay. Well, no, yes,
that's it. I always laugh I'm always like, thank you so much for protecting me.
Don't fall into that thing. That's you gotta be careful. No, I the last dog I had. He was his name was Wesley. He was a Border Collie, beautiful dog. smart as a whip. And he lived to be 14 and a half. And that was two and a half years ago. And I can't bring myself to get another dog because I don't want to go through the pain of losing him again. Don't live them long enough.
Yeah, I know. It's very hard. It's very, very hard. But you know what, I thought too much because I too, had a dog prior to Dexter for 14 years or so. And he was my soul, mate. This just amazing as everyone's dog is, but to me, he was he was just an amazing, an amazing dog. And I was crushed, literally crushed. For three months. It was horrible. I was installable i It was horrible. But then one day it was just like, there's another dog out there that needs to do. And no, I don't want that thought coming and I can't do it again. This three times in my life. I can't do it anymore. It hurts. And that thought wouldn't leave my head. It just wouldn't leave my head. There's another dog out there that needs you. And I went to the local shelter which is you know, it's a kill shelter here where I live. And there was only one dog there which is highly unusual. And it was Dexter
and brought him home.
What kind of puppy is he?
He is a Belgian Malinois Mastiff mix.
Because he like, like 300 pounds is a huge guy.
No, actually, he's about 75 pounds. He has a black head, a fond body. White feet, one blue eye and one red.
Oh, they say those are the smartest dogs.
He's very smart. He is very, very smart. And he's still I had a DNA test done on him because every vote shelter said he was probably three. And I got him home. And I'm like, No, he's not three. He's not he's He's young. He's still got puppy. And um, so I had a DNA test on him. So he will be six. He's probably around six ish. And he's still full of it. You still full of it full of P and V. My grandma always used to say piss and vinegar. Yeah.
Yep. Well, I hope that he lives for a really good long time and is healthy and, and doesn't have the hips and all that kind of stuff that because of my my my Wesley he. He was the type of dog that had an ego. And when I say he had an ego, we I would take him out to this, there was this par three golf course. And there was a strip to the side where you could throw a dog, a ball. And so I actually took a golf ball and hit it with a racquetball racquet and it would go and go and go, and he would run and run and run and run. And then he would get it and bring it all the way back and stuff like that. Well, at the end of one of our sessions, he came up limping. And so he and his paw was really hurting. And so I decided that I would take him to the vet, and to make sure that everything was okay. And he goes, he goes into limps to the limbs to the van. And I open the van door and he looks at me and says, Can you help me in and so I help him in and he's and he lays there and, and I close the van and go to the vet, open the door. He I have to help him out of the van because his paws still hurts. He limps to the door. I opened the door, and there is the nurse and another another person there. And they say Oh, hi. And he jumps up and down and he has no limp. And he's just perfect. And he's and I say, they say, and we you're here to see us why says well, because he may have hurt his pond. He said, it doesn't look like he's hurt his paw. He's just running around and having fun. And so we haven't checked down. She says, Well, he may have sprained something, if that doesn't look serious, doesn't look broken, or anything like that. And so I, I say, Okay, thank you very much. I take him outside, we shut the door, and he limps to the car. And then I have to load him back into the car, because he can't get in by himself. But there were beautiful girls there that he so his ego took over, and he wasn't gonna show them that he was limping. No, not a chance.
He was playing.
He was, it was like, Aha, I got you now I know what you're doing. But I love dogs. I love the way they think. I love the how they how they, I was married for 24 years, I had three dogs in that time, and they were the only ones that I can ever come home to. And be sure that they were going to wag their tail when I walked through the door.
They're always happy to see you.
They're always happy to see us and I can't say that about the human that I was living with at the time. But the dogs are like, they're forgiving. They love you regardless. And and, and they're just excited that every time you walk in the door, it's a matter of fact, I had bought the dog before that one. I just love doing dog stories. He was a Australian Shepherd Labrador mix, beautiful dog, and smart as a whip. And we might my parents for the 50th anniversary, said we will take the whole family to Hawaii, rather than having a big party. So he said that, that'd be great if we if you did that. And so they ever all we were all going to go but we couldn't take the dog. So we we I made the mistake. By the way, if you have a dog, and you and you're listening to this, and you have to go on vacation, and you have to leave them some points, make sure that they know that you're going on vacation, and just tell them then and they'll they'll get it they'll understand. Because I didn't do that. I didn't realize that you could actually do that with a dog. So we took him to the the kennel. And they said all we take great care of our dogs and so forth. And so we bought into that. And we were gone for two weeks. And we come home, and we go and get the dog, and we get in the car and the kids are in the back and my wife and the dog is on the on her lap. He will not look at me. He won't wag his tail at me, he was so pissed that I did that to him. Because I'm the I was the alpha male. And I was in charge. And I was the one that did that to him. It took him three days before he would talk to me again.
Yeah, my other dog digger. It would take him a day and a half, he would be super excited to see when I first would pick him up and get home, he would remember. And I always told him, you know, we'll be back buddy, you're gonna be fine. You know all that. But he would still be angry. He'd be super excited and you get home, you'd be all excited running around. And then he realized, wait a minute. And he would literally leave the room and go and sit against a wall and turn his head to the wall and not look at you. He would do that for at least a day and a half. And it was it became comical because we did have to travel quite a bit for a while there. And it became cool, you know, now with Dexter. He's like, you know, oh my gosh, this is another adventure. Yay. And then, you know, I pick him up and he's like, Oh, it's you again. Cool. We do. What are we going to do now? I mean, that's just like
those, they're both great kinds of dogs to have, but but to you know, the people that when I was growing up, my parents did not believe my mother's specifically did not believe that animals have souls. And even, and I just I just categorically don't believe that at all. I believe that they're, that they have souls and that my dogs, I've got three of them. And I think a couple of them anyway, are going to be there for me when I cross over. And that's why I'm not particularly worried about crossing over. I don't particularly agree for people who have crossed over, because I know what they're going to I know what they get to do and what they're going to have and stuff and it's like you you know, life is pretty shitty for you down here at the end. And so I'm glad you're doing that and it's a lot better. No.
Yeah, yeah. No, I firmly believe that. That the critters that I've cared for and loved over the years And that's just that's me. That's my belief. I believe they're going to be there. Yeah. And I'll be super excited about it. Like, wow, look at you. Wow, look, you know, I'll be super excited about it. Yeah, it's, it'll be it's going to be exciting. I'm not saying to happen soon. But I think it'll be pretty darn exciting, you know? Yeah. Because all the worries and all the pain and all this stuff that you that you go through here on Earth, you know, as we're mere humans. And you look around you and see all the suffering and what people are going through. And it's hard sometimes to remember, no matter what your faith is, no, they're in better waiting for you. And this is, this is just the journey there. You know, I don't know, pretty deep stuff for a Thursday evening.
I know, I know. Well, you know, I was, my father was, he died when he was 76. And he'd had, he'd fallen and broken his hip, like, five years before that. He couldn't play golf anymore. He couldn't do the things he loved to do. He really ended up sitting at home, and watching TV and the stock market and all that kind of stuff. Because he was into that. And, and I thought, and then he passed away. 76 And I thought, What if he'd lived five more years? And he said he would have been unhappy for that entire time. And feeling older. And I now I'm 65. And I can tell you, you're you're just a budding child in your 50s when you get to be 65. You are thing. Shoes ah, expression. But shit starts to fall off the you have no idea was even there
No, I agree. No. And I, you know, I, I'm, I feel the age. You know, these little things are going well, this is silly. That's what I'm always saying. Why does my knee hurt? This is stupid. Yeah. And then, because all I was doing was walking.
That's, that's right. I went to the dentist. Went to the dentist the other day because I have some implants. And I'm having done because as you get older, your damn teeth start falling out and stuff. And so he was doing the implants. And that's their titanium. And I said, so that's, that's really good. I'm gonna have three implants I in my face. And so when they cremate me, or they're gonna have just Titanium hips and implants, I will be what's left of me. And I talked to a gal who was worked in a crematorium. And she says, Well, that's exactly true. They take the after, after the thing is done making you ashes. They take the parts that can be recycled. I don't want to find anybody here. But the parts that can be recycled, like, like titanium hips and knees and that kind of stuff. And they go on through the recycle bin.
Well, that makes sense. It's just nothing that people typically think about. Think about?
Well, it's not like they can take your, your hip and and put it into a little jar with the rest of us. Do one way one work. So if people don't think about stuff like that, anyway, but I do. So. You know.
It's it's such a strange conversation we're having. I know, hours ago, years ago, I was in a networking group. And each month, a member of a networking group would offer a tour of their facility. And we were care. I was in health care at that time. So there's like maybe 12 of us that met every week. But once a month, someone would say Okay, so the one time it was a tour, a very in depth tour of a funeral home. And we we learned way more than what a lot of people wanted to learn. Some people had to we have to, they could they didn't ever want to actually see what happens behind the scenes. I was fascinated. Now. They didn't have any there was no one there that they were showing us. They were just explaining to us the different instruments in the rooms and what they did in those rooms and how this you know, how the whole process worked. It was a little Oh, it didn't freak you out a little bit. And as you said earlier, the person who's they don't care
No, no if they don't and just as an aside, because you haven't met her yet, and I'm looking forward to the time when you get to meet it or maybe you have, have you met Holly. We gather works with me.
Was she on the first time I was on here? Shorthair?
Um, no, DANA No.
That yeah, it's a different part. No, I have not met Holly. She.
I grew up in the restaurant business. And my first job was a graveyard dishwasher at Denny's, which is about as low as you can get in the restaurant business. She grew up in the funeral home business. And all the way from what I would consider the most difficult job in the world, which is Charlie. Hello. Yeah. Hello, boss. Yeah, yet got an address yet? And what time did they die? Okay, I'll tell the relatives, I'll be there in two hours. Because somebody has to go pick up the bodies. And that was her first job was to pick up monies. And then she then she got a promotion so that she could work in the crematorium. And then she got another promotion so that she could dress the people that were going to be viewed and stuff. And, and then she became a funeral director. So she knows everything. If you ever want to know anything about the process of what happens to people, when they leave your house after they pass away in or leave their house, to when they get put in the ground. She can tell you everything. It's frightening.
It I could I could see how people would think it was frightening. I found it kind of fascinating because well, it needs to be done. Because your loved ones need to see you have to you as you were. So my grandfather was a funeral director he had, he owned a funeral home. And when I remember when I was younger, my brother and sister and I sneak in downstairs because they lived upstairs the funeral home, there was a really big building. And so the funeral home was part of it. And the other part was their house.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
So when we would go visit, doubt, we would go down the back stairs, we were never allowed to go down those back stairs, because that's what took you down into where the bodies were kept and where the caskets were and all of that. But of course, we were little and we always followed what my big brother did. So we would sneak down there and walk around and look at the caskets and you know, like play tag amongst the casket. So the casket room
icky. One really more than one. One other morbid story, I have to tell you, I had a friend that was he worked at a hospital. And he was one of the guys that insulin when somebody died in the hospital, he would they would put them into the bag and then they would take him downstairs and they get stacked in this in this refrigerated room until somebody comes to take them wherever they're going next. And and it's like three or four stacks high. And the highest one you have to use a pulley system to, especially if they're heavy, have to use a pulley system to pull them into place. So you know, and he was saying one time that the pulley slipped, and this and this body came crashing down. And he felt around where the head was and he'd crushed the skull. And he said they don't have to do an autopsy. If this was a murder, you know or something like that. So I don't know how they handle that. But that's so we we had a indecent laugh about that.
Cutting stories.
Can you I mean every job has its stories that can be told but I Have you have you ever watched that show dirty jobs with Mike Rowe. Yes. I love that show. And I love that guy. He just cracks me up. But all of those jobs that people do every day that no one wants to think about and you take it for granted. I couldn't imagine the stories that they have the directors people that work in a mortuary forensic people. Could you imagine the stories they have to tell? The ones that do the autopsies?
Oh, yeah. That just makes it just makes me go.
Yes, it does. Yes, it does. You know, I could talk to you all day, but it's time for you to go have dinner. No.
I was past dinner time I had dinner before I come on.
Well, it's time for you to take puppy dog outside. So he doesn't go inside.
It is actually it is actually.
I know you have an internal alarm clock that says pop is gonna pop pop has got a pope. So, Kim languange has been has been our guests. Tell us all about your information, how they can find you.
Well, my name is Kim Ling Ling. I am really not a media sensation. But hey, some days, I feel like I am. If I learned anything of me, or what it is I do about my podcast or TV show or any of the books that I might have out there. You can find all of that information at my website at simply it's my name Kim Lingling author.com.
I just love talking to you. I'm sorry. We didn't you know, this wasn't a very promotional podcast, but it was fun for me.
It's fun for me too.
It's like, it's like we're just having a couple of friends having a conversation and I just love that. So. So thank you. Thank you so much for doing this. Can Can I implore you to come back? Yes. Can I implore you to come back and talk about dead people some more.
Hey, anytime.
Kim, thank you so much. And if your way right there. I will be right back. By the way. It's Kim Ling Ling. author.com Correct.
Yes, Kim and then Ling Ling is L e n g l i n g author.com.
That's just perfect. And I'll be right back. Hey, thanks for enjoying this episode all the way to the end. Please give us a like and subscribe to this channel. This has been a production of positive talk radio dotnet please visit our website oddly named positive talk radio dotnet for more details about us and our mission, which is to provide great positive programming designed to inspire us all. I'm Kevin MacDonald and I'm proud of these shows, and I truly hope that you'll like them and share them with friends and family. So on behalf of our entire team, remember, be kind to one another because each other's all we got to
Author, Podcast Host, TV Show Host
Kim shares her journey of living with PTSD, how she navigates through the tough days and how she turns dark moments into pieces of light and tosses them out into the world as a nugget of Hope.
Kim has been writing since 2004, showcasing her faith, nature, love of rescue animals, and living with PTSD.
She is the lead author and coordinator of a collaborative 3-book series titled When Grace Found Me and the soon-to-be-released book When Hope Found Me. In addition, she is the host of the Let Fear Bounce Podcast and The Write Stuff, the Author’s Voice TV Show on the Believe In Your Dreams TV Network and streaming on various streaming platforms.
You can regularly find Kim drinking coffee, walking in nature with her trusty rescue dog, Dexter, chatting with the critters, and coming up with new story ideas.