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Helena has not only trained Corporate clients! She has MOTIVATED them to re-wire their mindset to WIN! Each session clients discover, learn and develop new skills, new movements, and renewed energy! 90% of her clients refer to her as comical and fun to be around.
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0:02 Welcome to positive talk radio. Our goal is simple to explore evolving ideas, one conversation at a time. So stay with us. And right now we present a couple of positive talk radio. My name is Kevin McDonald, and we've got a great, a great presentation for you today, young lady, who is actually up north, in the state of Washington, her name is Elena schmuck small lock, and she's the owner of velocity athletic training. She's done all kinds of stuff in her life. And she's working to try and make the planet a much better, healthier place for all of us. And that's, that's quite an undertaking that you're doing Elena, how are you today? Thank you for being on the podcast. 0:52 Thank you, Kevin. It's an it's a wonder to be here. Thank you for inviting me again. And yes, we have a very important subject to this. 1:03 We're gonna we're gonna talk about, you know, we're going to talk about nutrition, we're going to talk about proper eating and living our lives a little bit better. But more than that, we're talking about an entirely new way of trying to live as far as our society goes and the nutrition that we have for the we're using and and the in just a lot, a lot of things. And you aren't working with the United States government to do something, aren't you? 1:35 I'm not actually working with them. I'm in support of the Biden administration to make Americans healthier by 2030. I think it is. It's a huge goal. And when you think of the whole system itself, how, you know, I'm from Canada, I was born raised in Canada, the system is not exactly like the US. I mean, we do have some similarities. But we also have differences. First of all, we're in a bigger country, right? The US is a major, it's the biggest country in the world. And so you have so much going on, and and you go okay, for someone like me, who's been in this industry, 39 years, goes, whoa, hold on, there's so much happening here. And it's like, there's no control of it. And so when that opportunity came out when they started to promote the US government, so to put it out there, we want to hear from people across the US in how they are helping Americans how we are, you know, spreading the word of health and wellness, nutrition, it didn't matter which umbrella you worked in, they wanted to hear from you. So what happened was they offered Americans an opportunity to create satellite events, and to share what you're actually doing. So I created a couple of satellite events, and thankfully, there was a few ladies in the event and we talked about the challenges that are happening within each community and I believe and I've seen this just through analyzing what is going on that the gap has always been there. And when I say gap, you know we have the wealthy we have the the you know, middle class and then you have people that are actually in the poverty situation. Now during the shutdowns obviously that has widened that gap even more so. And now you've got some of the middle class going into that they're not into the poverty yet but they're just scraping by and how are we going to correct that? Before making people healthy, we know that you know, the the, the rich, the famous, the elite, they have the money they can spend the money on eating healthy and and paying a naturopathic doctor and all that lovely stuff. Right. But how are you going to have that rectified with the other half of your economy? We did discuss what is the major thing now right with I'm certain divorce rates are much higher. You have single parents. 4:54 And by the way, I wanted to mention that I wanted to congratulate you because you've For a period of time where a single parent Yes, and is really I cannot imagine. I mean, I, I had children and I had a wife and we had our little, you know, little nuclear family and, and stuff, but I cannot imagine. And I've seen in a lot of a single parent, predominantly women that are trying to make ends meet and are working or taking care of the kids. It's a daunting task. It's amazing to me that people can actually do that 5:33 is I think, what I was quite lucky with was I managed a gym. A lot of people might want white rock, no, me and I actually had a little fan base from Blaine Washington, heading over to the Pacific in in white rock where I managed the gym for eight years, full time, I had a loyal fan base coming in from from Washington State, attending my aquifer classes. So, you know, I feel like I was lucky. And I had a great, great boss. I mean, if more people were like, Kim, I think there'd be a lot of issues that would be a corrected in terms of single parents struggling financially, because 6:27 what were some of the things he did for you. 6:30 Um, he allowed me you know, on my interview, he said to me, you know, what, this is your gym, run it the way you run it as if it's your own personal gym. And, and I was like, Really? Yes, it's your gym, just, I trust what you're gonna do with it. And you know, what, we did some fantastic things with it, we changed it, we, we cleaned it up, you know, we changed the membership system, we made it more efficient. It just started to get busier and busier. And I created an amazing environment. You know, he gave me that responsibility. He also respected my, my expertise, he trusted my x expertise in the industry. And I felt very honored with that. There was never a time where, you know, some people go through this process, especially in our industry, some people don't get paid, or you know, the club is just going downhill and people don't get paid. It's happened in the past. I don't know if it still happens now. But he also gave me the opportunity to run my, my personal training company through the through the gym as well. But we set it up that we both benefit from that type of setup. So you know, I was able to pay my rent, buy my son myself food, take him out on Friday nights to you know, see a movie, I took a month holiday with him. And this is what is needed. People like that employers like that, what that will support, not just financially, but I know that my employer, at the Pacific in, he got it, he understood it. And he supported me, you know, it was like a family environment. But at the same time, it was work. So I felt very lucky to Hi, 8:46 I want to point this out that a enlightened man like that, not only what he was smart as a fox, because not only was he kind to you, and fair to you, but he expected to hard work and, and and stuff. But what that allowed was you he gave you the autonomy to be able to take his jam that was from what you said a little dirty, and and needed some improvements. Right? You were able to get that done. And then business picked up. So he was rewarded with his kindness by his business taking off because he was kind to you. And you were then became a very important piece of what he was doing there. And it was, so it was kind Yes, but it was also smart. He was just smart. And he knew what he was doing. And if more people would take that as an example of how to run a business. We could change a lot about what's going on. Oh 9:51 my goodness. We can change many lives. And you change the economy. Yeah, slowly but surely. Now just think of it. You know, British Columbia is not a cheap province to live in, 10:09 new I've heard, right. 10:11 And so knowing that I'm a single parent and a very expensive province, able to afford to put my son hockey, football, soccer, going out on Friday nights with him, and just being able to do that without worrying. If that could just snowball and more into to other people's lives, then you have that that change starting to happen with with the household kit, this is where it all starts, is in the household, if the parents are comfortable, that they are making enough to provide breakfast, which you and I discussed, children are going to school hungry. We live in North, you know, we live in a North American country, Canada and the US are the largest countries, right? In terms of partnership. Why are the children going to school hungry without breakfast, the most important meal of the day for for anybody, not just for children, but for all of us, especially children, because you know, their brains are still developing, they're still growing, they need the optimal nutrition. And if we cannot provide that, for our children, there's a huge problem. 11:58 It is amazing to me, the most powerful, wealthiest one of the wealthiest countries in the world has 12 to 14 million children, they go to bed hungry every night. It's not It's unmanned, It's unfathomable to me that that we as a culture, as a society will allow that to happen. And we do on an everyday basis. And if it wasn't for free school lunches in a lot of school districts, then those kids would not be getting anything. And they would be they will be even hungrier. And that creates dissatisfaction that creates a real problem in their lives not just nutritionally. But also they feel like they don't have anything and then and then that that snowballs will do a lot of other things and can create drug addiction. And which, by the way, is another thing that we've got to do that around because we've got a horrible, horrible problem with drug addiction. I know. Personally, I know a young lady that passed away several months ago. I think her friend is maybe listening. And it was it was a horrible shock to everybody and it was in but it's it's happening all the time. And we have a culture have got to really decide that we're not going to put up with this anymore, that we are going to make the changes necessary. And yeah, we pay a little bit more in taxes. So what we can help people that need it, or whatever we need to do. That's that's kind of my opinion. What do you think? 13:34 Well, I'll tell you, being a single mom in British Columbia with like you mentioned, the drug issue that you know, it does have that issue. You know, the first time I when I first moved to bc I'm from Ottawa, Ontario, Ottawa is the nation's capital of Canada. It is so clean there. You can fry an egg on the sidewalk. And oh, yeah, it's it's a beautiful city. It's clean. It's, you know, you've got a lot of government a lot of diplomats there. So you've got it's got to be that way. So when I first moved to BC, my friend took me down to East Hastings. Now we're talking about someone's that comes from Ottawa, and a friend of hers tasered downtown Vancouver, East Hastings, where there are people crawling on all fours looking for something to put in a drug to put into the body. I was taken aback by that because I had never seen that. So as a single mom, and you know what, I'm going to put this message out there for every parent, whether you're single or not. If you think that you're Kids are not being subjected to this, you're wrong. This is real stuff. You know, you've got gangs that are just going after they're targeting youth to do their dirty work for them. And I had to be very, very proactive in ensuring that my son, and and trust me, we had our little arguments where I said to him, you have two options, either you're under my roof, and I work I have, I go to work full time to ensure this roof stays overhead, and that there's food on the table, and that you can go out and I put him to sport, you know, I have to go through this drill with him. And I said to him, as long as this is happening, you need to follow what I'm trying to teach you. So I established a relationship with my son where we had family discussions, and trust me, parents out there, you need to sit down with your children, and let them know that they can come to you at any time and openly discuss what's going on. Because if you're not listening, it could just take months or not even a month, months, it could take a month, and your kid could be in the wrong path in the wrong hands. And it's happening. And that's the way it's happening. Kevin, I had to be one of these parents, I would sit there with my son and say, Okay, so what's what's happening? And he would just go through what's happening at school, what's happening with his friends. And, you know, he would even say to me, I don't even like your mom. And I'd say, okay, oh, well. You know, so I had to let things bounce off of me, to allow him to continuously communicate what's going on. And as he got older, I started to find out a lot of things. And I found myself heading to the high school on a Monday morning and saying to the vice principal, do you understand what's going on? And I thought, after a while that I'm bothering the vice principal, and he said, You are not bothering me at all. I wish other parents were doing this. So to correct the problem again, it always comes back to the home to what's going on inside the environment. What are the stressors of the parents? What are they dealing with? It's not just you, it's also your child that stressed out, you think they're not listening? You think they're not understanding? Dad or Mom is they're struggling? They can't afford to feed me. They're, they're absorbing all this. And we can't blame the parents. We have a dilemma here in terms of employment. You know, I think the labor laws here are lacks, they need to be ramped up a bit amped up to protect the employee. 18:15 Well, and you live in, by the way, you live in the state of Washington, which is one of the more progressive states in the country. And our minimum wage is well over well over $10 an hour now, I believe here, and maybe it may be 15 statewide. But there are there are places in our country who are still adhering to the federal minimum wage. Do you know what the federal minimum wage is? $8 $7.25 18:42 Oh, my gosh. 18:44 Now you cannot live on a single parent cannot live on a minimum wage job. And so, 18:50 so why is it still at $7? You know, this is where I say labor laws need to, you know, the, this thing as well. Okay. This is what my observation is, is that there's, it's almost like every state does its own thing. Right? Let's eliminate every state doing its own thing and start uniting the states and creating this is when you have everybody doing their own thing. Well, that's not gonna really help for mass, right? It sort of segregates people and separates people. So slowly, bring everybody together and say, This is the minimum wage for all of the United States across the United States. Let's get these people that are just getting by, on having disposable income. You know, I've said it on so many podcasts, we can keep letting this happen. If you look at some like Switzerland, New Zealand, someone mentioned another one. I can't remember which one it was. But anyway, they have access to everything that's healthy. The government allows that. And they're thriving. Right? I know, I have a good friend that lives in Switzerland, and she's healthy, she's happy. This is a thing, when you have health, and you have a healthy population, you're going to have a happy population, they're going to want to get up and go to work, they're going to feel their confidence level increases. Here, we're talking about adults. Now, if the adults start to feel this way, you're gonna have their kids feeling the same way. And then you get that momentum going, you're gonna have a strong economy, it's going to be pumping out, you know, healthy people that are are driving it, you got to stop, you got to end this gap now that it's wider. I mean, it was here that was like this, you know, narrowed right down. 21:26 That's one of the things that Elena you do that part of its education. And part of its working with people. Because you know, the the issue that we've got in this country is that we have in order to make those sweeping changes nationally, you would have to have a Congress. And you'd have to have people voting people into office who agree with that particular point. And a lot of times they don't, but we can still, you can still make the changes on an incremental level that you're doing and working to do, by helping people live their lives a little bit better and a little bit healthier, and doing some positive things. So the work that you're doing is really important work. And we just need to continue to try and work for it. You've been doing this since you were what five, like 30 years now or something? 22:23 Yeah, I started when I was five years old. Yeah, I started in high school, actually, um, it was just a part time job teaching aerobics classes after school, and it wasn't my original career choice. I wanted to be a criminal lawyer. Oh, yeah. No, that was my, my original. That's all I talked about. I would sit in my room and study the Canadian criminal code. I said to myself, I'm gonna be ready for when I write that all's good law height, you know, Osgoode law. Exam? Oh, yeah, no, I was gung ho on on becoming a criminal lawyer. In grade 13. I decided to not spend the whole day in school, and rather get a gain credits through work experience. So I was placed in the courthouse, Criminal Division. And when it was on, not Nicholas Street and Ottawa, and so I just navigated through the system. And they must have known that I miss sensitive, because they put me in a, a murder case, I was allowed to sit in and just observe. And when they pulled up the the evidence and the photos and all that stuff. It was a murder scene. And I just thought, oh, no, no, no, I can't do this. This is, you know, I'm too sensitive. 23:59 So I tell you, this, especially criminal law, it's very, very tough thing and is Yeah, you see, you see a sign of people that no one should really see on a regular basis. 24:11 No. And I'll tell you, that's what I saw. And at the end of the work experience training, the supervisor and I'll never forget the way he spun around on in his chair and looked at me and said, So do you still want to be a criminal lawyer? I said no. So so there was my career actually was staring at me in the face. It was the fitness industry and working part time that led to great opportunities and to management I was on you know, in Ottawa, I was in the newspaper then they put me on the television so it just, it just grew you know, and and I did a lot of fundraising there as well myself and and other fitness professionals that I worked with. So it just kept on growing and growing, and this is my calling. But, you know, I've seen the trends, I've seen the changes that are happening. And I just think now it's just become something that needs to be corrected. And if we don't correct it, it's just gonna get worse. You're just gonna have more poverty, you're gonna have more dollars being put out there in social assistance. You know, whatever, right. Um, what I plan on doing is to continue on, I'm offering satellite events on Eventbrite, the first one is on fitness. So that's, that's just an opportunity for people to tune in and learn about, hey, how do I start this? How, how can I start getting myself out of this rut? That I feel like I'm in? 26:07 How do they find that? Where can they go to to access those courses? 26:13 Oh, on Eventbrite, I can send you the link, 26:17 if you want to know when we want to send the folks that are listening the link. So 26:23 go to Eventbrite and just search for a helenus Moloch. Everything will come up. 26:29 Perfect, perfect. So that the and you're having these on a regular basis. 26:34 They're starting in February, because between now and February, I'm co authoring a book. 26:41 Oh, what are you writing? 26:45 I've been invited to co author it's not within really, my, it's not about fitness. It's more about what self love got to do with it. So it's going to be you know, tapping into things, you know, just personal things. Self love got to do with it, it's actually going to reveal a lot of my journey in relation to self love. You know, when you when you are a compassionate, you know, the giver, you tend to always give out, and you sort of put yourself on the other end at the bottom, I don't like to say I put myself at the bottom. But it's, it's just to raise awareness. And I'm not the only author, there's people from around the world that are that are writing their story. So it's, it's outside of my scope that hey, that's okay. Somebody might be might read it and say, hey, I can relate to that. So I could be helping someone out there. Understand, you know, take some power back. 28:01 That's what you do. That's what you do you help people help themselves. Because, by the way, if you don't have self love, if you if you don't care about yourself first, you can't care about anybody else. At least, that's my humble opinion. Because it's, it's, it's important for you to take care of yourself. First, you remember, you fly a lot. Not really. Yeah, and when you get on an airplane, and the stewardess is talking to you, one of the first things that they tell you to do is where if if for whatever reason they lose pressure in the cabin, and the facemask come down with which has the oxygen, they always tell you to put it on your neighbor first, and then yourself or your child first. And then yourself because if you don't help them first, and you can't, you really can't help yourself, but you need to, in order to work, make it work together, you have to work and help each other. And 29:05 absolutely, you know, I've come to that place now where I still enjoy helping people I will never stop doing that. But I I see that when you give out everyone's giving back. And if they don't give back then it's coming from a different place. You know, they're Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That's an it grows and you know, when you tap into that it's a beautiful thing. It really is. 29:42 Yeah, it really is because you can't you can, if you if that becomes your life philosophy, what you're gonna do unto others as they would have you would have them do unto you, then things are going to be better for you and better for them and you will be rewarded handsomely for it. Yeah, in my, in my humble opinion. The book 30:05 I'm, I'm working on another one coming out, I'm working on 30:11 the other one you're busy. 30:15 The other one, you're gonna love this one the new phenomena, desk, potato syndrome. We've gone from the couch to the desk. 30:28 So desk potato syndrome, I'm assuming is somebody that works a lot and and doesn't take care of themselves? 30:37 Well, you know, Kevin, like I said, I've been in this industry 39 years and when you are helping corporate clients, let's look at the corporate structure the way it is, now. It's changed. So we have employees working remotely. 31:01 Yes, right. 31:03 Yep. Because of the shutdowns. So what's happened? Desk, potato syndrome, people are spending more time in front of the screen after desk more than likely snacking, because they're not getting able to get away. When they were at work, when they had to get up and, you know, go to the office, there were break times. You know, I had contracts with the Bank of Canada, as well as industrial Alliance where I taught classes for these people, they would come down to my gym, and you know, I'd get them going, you know, do aerobic classes, spin classes, skipping classes, well, that's not there anymore. So I came up with a strategy. Let's write a book about desk potato syndrome, and how to avoid gaining weight, mental illness, right? If you're spending all day long, more than four hours in front of the screen, I don't understand the changes that are happening with with all these programs. I mean, I can't even count how many times my computer is being updated. And then when it's updated, I go, Oh, my gosh, what's changed now? It also that there's that constant, trying to relearn something, right? And it's all that now they're saying the statistics, mental illness is on the rise. So when I started an industry, it was the physical body that we had a concern about heart disease, all that right. diabetes, high blood pressure. Well, now, mental illness is on the rise. And why? Well, we've been told to stay six feet apart from each other. And you've just lost your job. And you can't come to the office anymore, because now you're working at home, on the computer. So what's that doing to the human sake? What's it doing? Stress, adding stress, right? I mean, I experienced I go, Oh, my gosh, what is going on with updates on the phone updates on my computer? You just constantly constantly adapting to all these little changes? And you go, Okay, what do I have to do now, to make it so it's, this book is going to be like a workbook as well. Where people can journal. There's going to be some recipes in there some suggestions as well as you know what to have at the desk, if you're going to spend more than four hours? And what fitness Can you start incorporating, whether it's just starting out, or whether you're, you know, a seasoned fitness buff, how you can continue to maintain that. So that's what that book is all about. And it's to support people that are feeling lost. Right? I hear it all the time. I feel lost. Well, it's 34:25 happening more and more and see things are things are changing any yet. Now, you've been okay. You've been around the planet for a little while, at least 39 years that we can that we know about. Yes. And consequently, it's so you're a little longer in the tooth like I am. Do you remember what it was like in the 60s and 70s? It's completely different. In the in those days, we did not have the technology improvements and the quickness with which everything is moving. Everything's moving at lightspeed. We didn't have computers. We didn't have cell phones. We didn't have up to hell, we didn't even have VCRs you and my kids are like you had no VCR in all of that, and it's all changed and everything's moving so much faster now. 35:13 Yeah. Well, I was born in the 60s 64. So you know, I'm 58. And it's interesting because you know, we've got snowfall here right. Now I left Ottawa, to get away from the weather. And I moved to BC and there was snow there. I'm here in Blaine, Washington. And it's not that I despise the snow. I love the snow. I think it's, you know, beautiful. And so I took my dog out to the park yesterday. And I started to reminisce about my sisters and I back and when we were growing up in Ottawa, I mean, we had heavy snowfall, and we had major snow bank. So we would build a fort, we would do snow angels would go tobogganing. And I thought, wow, life was so simple. 36:06 It was, it was a lot simpler than, you know, I was thinking about just the other day, my elementary school, right, it was a Lutheran School was a mile away from my house. And I regularly in this is in the middle of the 60s, I regularly would walk a mile from school to home, without ever there being any concern about that by anybody. It was kind of like normal. And kids walked all over the place, we played ball all over the place, we had a stick, and we played with our stick and stuff like that, but nowadays is completely changed. Nobody would let her nobody would let their kid walk a mile. If they were like eight, or nine, which is what I would, I would walk, you know, down city streets. And this is in Seattle, all the way. And so the times have changed a lot more stress. And so Absolutely, 37:03 absolutely. I agree with you know, my sisters and I would walk to school and you know, in the morning, my parents owned restaurants. So I was the leader of the pack. So I had to be responsible at a very young age. I grew up rather quickly at the age of 10. But back then, there, you know, parents did that. We were latchkey kids. Yeah. Now, you cannot have a latchkey kid, 37:32 not not didn't have the outcome. In this day and age? 37:35 No. I know, for myself, when I was a single parent, I was quite lucky. My neighbor, when I, I would be up at 5am in the morning, to go open up the gym. But on the week that he was with me, my neighbor would just go into my house, you know, get him ready, take them to school. But there's no way I would have left him by himself. No. Yeah, my parents were comfortable. The school was down the street from us. And you know, we didn't have to go too far. And then sometimes we were with our grandparents. 38:18 Right. All right. Yeah. Times have changed. How do you proceed? How are what this ends? By the way, this is positive talk radio. So we need to end on a positive note. How, what positive changes are you advocating that we make? And we have to start with the individual? What would you suggest that somebody who wants to make a change in their life? What's the first thing that they should do? 38:44 The first thing and this is just my, my, what I believe is that no matter how bad it gets, you just gotta pick yourself up and keep moving forward. There is aside from what we spoke about. These are real happenings. This is you know, we're really talking about what's really happening. Is it positive? Well, it's reality, you know, it's a reality thing that's happening. So through what I've done through this process of these last two years, is I just kept on plugging away. I stayed focused, stay focused, you need to be focused. What where there's a will, there's a way I used to write for Dr. Mosier in Vancouver. help Canadian Health sell magazine. And every so often the editor would call me up. Oh my gosh, I we're stuck. We this is what's happening. And he would just go on and on. And then I would just listen to him and I'd say to him, once it stop is is is ranting, I'd say there's a solution. There's always a solution. You know, There's always going to be a solution, whether there's a new job for you, or even a part time job, take it keep moving forward, and do not, do not allow the negativity to come in, there are going to be people that are, you know, they're watching you rise and excel, they're gonna come around and just go, oh, let's pull you down. Go past that. And self love. 40:33 I think there's somebody I know there's got a book coming out about Ben, 40:36 self love, you are important you are number one, you gotta remember that somewhere in your mind, emotions, breathe it in, hold it in, and empower yourself. If you cannot think that way. align yourself with individuals that are like that, you know, that will lift you I have come across, we just wrapped up the healers gathered summit in November. And that's going to be coming out in video. I've aligned with these people that I'm telling you, Kevin, they're like beams of light. And I've learned so much from them. And I just thought, wow, you know, for all that I'm doing. It comes back to you. Right? And believe in that believe that there are good people in this world? Oh, absolutely. 41:41 There are and it but it's great that you are. And that's one of the things that I would advocate, and you just sell it. Surround yourself with great people. Surround yourself with people who care that people that are honest, and and the other people that are in your life that are less than that they will gradually fade away. 42:02 Yeah. And you know, we don't want to think about you know, you're gonna always have, you know, the bully type, right? They come around, they want to bully you whether it's through, you know, talking down at you or making you feel like, oh, you know, they're making me feel insignificant. You don't need that. No. And you don't even know, you just need to say goodbye to Qatar, you know, figure out a favorite word, like mine is Qatar. It's done. I don't need that. Right. No, don't go up by by or TA and move on. Because guess what, there are wonderful people in this world. Wonderful. And here in the US. Beautiful people. 42:57 Yes, sir. And there are lots and lots of Yeah, lots and lots of by the way, we've been talking with Halina small luck, and you can should go to her website, which is velocity, athletic She's got all kinds of things for you to do there. You can contact her and schedule stuff you've got. She's got athletic training, she's got emotional training, she's got a lot of different things that you can work with her on. And all you got to do is give her a call. And you can go to that website, which again, is velocity athletic And you can get all the information you need to take your life into a different direction and help you. So you're welcome Halina, I've got to I've got to run in just a moment. But before we go, I want to give you the opportunity to tell our audience, the ones that are listening live now. And the ones that will be listening to this later on. Anything that you would like them to know. 44:02 Well have a wonderful happy holiday season. And wishing you all peace and a lot of prosperity and 2023. Let's do this. 44:19 Exactly. And you know what my favorite day of the year is? 44:24 January first? 44:26 No, December 21. In the wintertime, you know why that is? No, that's the winter solstice which means the shortest day of the year, the weather the shortest light period of the year. And which means that every day after that gets a little bit better, a little bit brighter, and all the way through June. That that is an important that for me. That's a great distinction because I hate it when it's four o'clock in the afternoon. It is dark. I No. But Helene, is there anything else that you'd like to add before we end before we run my dear? 45:06 Well, just sending out some positive vibes for everybody and please visit me at triple w velocity athletic training. If you have any questions about what we talked about today, 45:17 she's an author. She's a coach. She's a athletic goddess. She's done so much. And she is worked with government agencies and with a lot a lot of people so she can she can really have an impact. Thank you for being here. We come back. 45:36 Absolutely. 45:38 Oh, good. But we got so much more we can talk about. 45:42 Absolutely. We'll see what happens in 2023 2023 is 45:46 gonna be a big year for my show. I can tell you that. Lots of really cool stuff planned for. So happy for you. Well, thank you. I'm happy. And thank you. I really appreciate it. So if you'll wait right there. I'll be right back. Okay. Hey, thanks for enjoying this episode, all the way to the end. Please give us a like and subscribe to this channel. This has been a production of positive talk Please visit our website oddly named positive talk For more details about us and our mission, which is to provide great positive programming designed to inspire us all. I'm Kevin McDonald. I'm proud of these shows, and I truly hope that you'll like them and share them with friends and family. So on behalf of our entire team, remember, be kind to one another because each other's while we go