Matt Shea is a developing author having published nine books. He is greatly inspired by the writings of Andy Griffith and focuses on the common folk that small towns are made of. Meanwhile, Diane is a Mystery, Mom, Editor, avid reader, and Book Coach!
Together, they're an amazing duo!
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This is a production of km media dot Pro. Welcome back to positive talk radio. Our goal is simple to explore evolving ideas one conversation at a time. So come on over into our world. I know you'll like it. Because on today's show, have you ever thought about writing a book, and you're sitting there at your computer, and you can't seem to figure out how to make it work. And it doesn't seem like, like you have an idea in your head, you have an idea in your head of what you want to do, but you don't know how to do it. Well, today on our show, we've got a great gal that can help you figure all of that out. Her name is Diane Bader. She is an author. She's also a book coach. She's done lots and lots of writing, and she can help you get over that. I don't know what it is, it must be something in your head. It's not allowing you to function forward from that. But first of all, I gotta I gotta talk to Eric a little bit, because last week I was AOL or a wall? Yeah. Aw. Oh, wow. You were America Online? There you were a dial up connection, which meant we couldn't put you on the air. What? What was going on, sir? Well, I, you know, my former life, I was a bus drivers, you know. And because I was a bus driver for 12 years, and I became I got quite a little knowledge about bus driver etiquette, and how they should behave and what they should do, and how the procedures are in the policies and that sort of thing. And so unfortunately, for me, and well, I guess, anyway, I have been asked on several occasions to talk to people about incidences that happen on the bus and that kind of stuff. And in this particular case, I this, this is the one that I didn't think would go but he actually went to trial in Spokane, Washington, and of course, over in Spokane right now, there's like a half a foot of snow on the ground. Yeah. I had to fly over. And it was supposed to happen. I'm just gonna fly on. You know how these things go. I was gonna fly on Monday and testify on Tuesday, fly back on Tuesday, and be ready for Wednesday show. Wow, all I got to the courthouse on Tuesday, just in my brand new suit that I just bought for the occasion, of course, and they sat there. And I sat there, and I sat there. And then at four o'clock, they came out and said, Well, we're not gonna make it today, you're gonna have to come back tomorrow. So I ended up having to go back to the hotel that I just checked out of check back into the hotel. And the poor gal who was at the front desk said, What are you doing back here? So, you know, so I had to do that. And then on Wednesday, I was supposed to do again was going to testify. And I waited. And I waited, and I waited then a 330, they came out and said, Your Honor, Your Honor, we're here we go. And by the time I got done, it was getting dark in Spokane, it was 20 degrees. And I didn't feel like driving home because there were no flights available. So there goes the cat. And so there were no flights available. So I ended up spending the night in the same hotel again, after checking out of that again that day, and then drove home on Thursday. So And sadly, I missed Monday and Wednesday show but you did a great job of presenting an encore presentation, and thank you very much for your flexibility, not a problem. Glad to help. And you know, this sounds like the makings of a book. I mean, maybe maybe not the I had to wait to travel for a day, that might not be the most interesting stuff. But, you know, maybe the details of this, this case that you were testifying at that, that all sounds like, you know, could be pretty interesting read. I gotta tell you, Eric, it is the it is the most bizarre experience, when you are see the way that they do it is that they don't let you into the courthouse or into the court room until it's time for you to testify. They don't want you to know what's going on. And so you walk into this place and there are 12 jurors that are sitting there and the judge is sitting there and in the at the table for the defense. There are six lawyers sitting there and then two on my side on the other side of the head had hired me to go over there. i It is a very you know, and I like to think that in front of a microphone I'm pretty I'm pretty okay. It's a very, very uncomfortable experience. When you know when you're there and then then you have to have to answer questions and stuff and you have to think on the top of your head because the other guys are going to try and tell a story about you that may or may not be true about about what the hell do you know? And why are you here? Kind of thing. And so you have to end up defending yourself and, and doing all that. So it was it really is quite a stressful experience to testify in a courtroom setting like that. And then there was there's a lot of a lot of money on the line and a lot of issues that were going on because the lady got hurt, and, and she was thinking compensation. And the other side was you didn't get hurt that badly. And yes, I did. They didn't and all that kind of stuff. So you know. And so it was really a quite quite quite an experience that I'm not so sure I want to repeat, but we'll see. Fair enough. Sounds compelling, though. Yeah, it really it really was. And it was very interesting. And it's it that goes under the category and one of those life experiences that you hopefully gained something from that, you may decide that that's going to work for you or not, but whatever but but if I did decide to write the book, Diane is the perfect person to work with to get that done. And I know what a roundabout way, Eric, you are getting around to that part of it. I think I was hopefully setting you up for a segue, but you got there in the end. I did. And you did a masterful job of doing that. And thank you so much for handling last week. It was it was very, it was really quite stressful and, and I don't advocate sitting in a hotel room for a long time when there's an and I left my charger and the first time to the hotel room I went back to get it and they hadn't found it yet. So I had I couldn't call anybody because my phone was running out of juice and and I went to get another one and they sold me the wrong one. And anyway, I've got a story I can tell that but anyway, for thank you so much for for your kindness and your help in that in that regard. And, and Diane too. So what do you think? Is that a book?
I'm just thinking that whole time you were sitting around in the hotel room with nothing better to do you could have been writing the story.
I didn't have a computer even Oh, no.
Don't they have like little notepads? Like
they do? I don't but they do.
Whoever they are? The hotel, the hotel? Oh,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. And then unless you I guess, suppose in some of them, they do have workstations so you can go to this particular hotel did not this is what can I gotta tell you. You know, and the court the courthouse I got it was also like, built in the, in the early part of the last century. So and they didn't even have they didn't even have a kiosk for coffee, or anywhere to get anything. So they had a drinking fountain on the floor. And that was it. So you know, I said, Can I get a cup of coffee? And there's Oh, no, after COVID? We don't have that here. I think I should I suspect that that's happening all over the placement.
So it's our novel. Yes.
It was one of those. And you don't what was really cool about it, though, is that because I am who I am, because I have a show called I don't know if you've heard about it, but it's called positive talk radio. And I'm really have got to be positive in these kinds of things. So the poor front desk gal, she was expecting me to come back loaded for bear like they tassel or Ghana. They did this. And I was very nice and very and it was you know, she was a pleasant kid and all that kind of stuff. So everybody's a kid
these days. That's kind of funny, because the whole time you're telling the story all I can think about these poor people going your back. Okay, come on in, you know? Yeah, give me
give me my well, you know, what's interesting about that is that I came down for something in the course of the night. And there was another couple that was there that they now this particular hotel, they have long term parking because it's next to the hotel where people can park there and then get onto an airplane and go to Vegas or wherever they're going and then come back. And this couple got into the long term parking which was full of snow. And so there were no white lines, you couldn't see anything and you couldn't see the grass, nor could they see the curb that they went over. And so they got stuck. So they went to the front desk and then it's the same girl that was at the front desk and and she went out of her way and to be kind to these folks. And and so what she did was she called her her stepfather who's home at nine o'clock. This is like 10 o'clock at night. Who's home probably getting ready for bed. And she says, Dad, you got to come down here. These folks need you to tow them out because the No truck driver wants to $300 to come until them. And so he she called he came, they got out in like five minutes. And then they parked somewhere else. And there was funny about it was that they were so happy with it. She was such a nice human being, that they paid more to her and her dad than she would have paid for the $300 Oh, wow. Because they just they were so impressed with the humanity that she showed. Yeah. And that's so I told her that I would tell that story on the air, because it is such a cool thing that there are, I tell you, I know it. There are great people in the world that that really are. And this girl is 20 Is all of 20. And so she's she's just getting started in life. And and but she was really, really kind to them. She was kind to me, and it worked out really, really well. So I was real pleased with that. So but let's allow for that. Let's talk about you, Shelley.
You want to know, well, you you write
mysteries. You're a mom, you're an editor, you you you read a lot. And you are a book coach, what is a book coach, a book
coach is someone who can help anyone, maybe take a book from an idea and turn it into a book and help them to pitch it to agents, publishers, that sort of thing. I mean, we definitely can't guarantee that somebody will snatch it up and you'll make millions because who knows the way different people have different perspectives, and who knows if you're going to reach just that right person. But it is a lot of fun to help someone brainstorm their book, plan out their book. And I'm one of those people I like to do edits because, you know,
you're one of those.
I'm one of those. So I try not to be too harsh. But I mean, I've been writing for a long time. You know, I've written 14 books, or 14 novels published and one novella, and I learned a few things. So I just love to be able to share what I know.
And if somebody wants to go to your website, and to look at all the books that you've written, you do a lot of mystery writing, and Diane bait or B A t o r dot C A, because you're in Canadia. I
am in Canadia. And we're getting snow this week, which we haven't really had till now.
Yeah, so are we, you know, it was gonna be snowy here in a great city, Seattle kind of thing. But, so you How long have you been doing? You've been riding for a long time since you're a little kid. I
mean, well, I've been riding my whole life. Like it's just one of those things. It's like breathing for me, right. And, but I didn't really get serious about it until probably about 2010. And probably a bit before that, because we moved across Canada, I joined a writing group, which if you want to write a book and be have a little bit of inspiration and support, will you write a book, finding a writing group, either online or in person is a great way to start. Sometimes you'll kind of move from one group to another depending on what you need. But it is a good way to get going.
And I've got a young gentleman that's going to join us in a little bit, who's going to we're going to talk about writing and the processes of how it works because he's written 10 self published books. And he's just he's got a brand new one that's coming out. And I actually did a voice over for one of his books and and voiced it. So we're going to talk about that a little bit as well. So it's really is an interesting concept of putting a book together. I don't know how it's for me, it's like songwriting. You know, I love music, and I love listening to music couldn't tell you how I put a song together. But how do you put a book together a
little bit at a time, you're seriously. You'll hear from a lot of people saying, well, you need to sit down you need to have like hours and hours to sit and work on it. I wrote my books while raising three little boys. For me, it was sometimes I would have 15 minutes, sometimes I would have five. Sometimes I might have an hour. So it just depending on what time I had as to how much work actually got done at a time writing group that I belong to they would do what they call writing prompts. So you would have like, perhaps somebody would bring in a pumpkin or some kind of an object and you would have 15 minutes just to write about the object or Were a sentence. And that's how I trained myself to write was in these little 1520 minute blocks. And that's how my first several novels were actually written was 15 minutes at a time, sometimes on sales, receipts or napkins.
So how did you remember? Because I was thinking about this, because we've talked before. And it's really important, but how did you remember where you left off, because I would totally forget. And then it might go off into another tangent, that would be totally different. And it would make not a bit of sense to anybody except for me.
Sometimes you can end off on a cliffhanger for yourself. So you stop at a point where the next time you can sit down to write you know, what you have to write, because you ended on a on a note, and sometimes you can't wait. You'd be sitting in the doctor's office writing and going, Okay, well, as soon as I get out, I gotta get back to the car and finish what I was just working on. So it just really varies. And then because I do a lot by hand, I would go to my computer when I had the time and sit and type it all in. And as I typed it, then I started to notice where the little holes are that I have to fill come back to fill in.
How do you do character development?
I knew I knew that would be a tough one. That one's
always a tough one. You know, sometimes characters just develop themselves. It sounds like a weird thing. But I know for me, personally, I'll come up with a character or a character will just kind of walk through my head. And just when I think I've got them figured out, a scene will come up and they'll do something completely unexpected. I had that with my first my first series in particular, wildly mysteries. And Leo Blue was the sidekick. Well, the sidekick didn't want to be a sidekick. He wanted his own book. Thank you very much. So. So by the third book, he actually had more of a role in it and, and was more of a stronger character. So through the whole series, there was basically four or five characters that got stronger and stronger through the series, not just through the book.
Do your characters speak to you like that? So it's like, I want my own show. I don't want to be second banana. They do. It's great to see. So you are really in into the development of the book and into, it's almost like you're reading while you're writing. Is that kind of true.
I always say that. It's like I'm taking dictation. Like, it's not. I know lots of people are like, how do you keep it all up there? I'm like, I don't know. Like just, it's just all there. It's in the their little file drawers. And sometimes all of a sudden, I'll sit down and write and it'll just come out like crazy. And then I'll have another day that I'm just kind of going I should do some research or something because this just isn't flowing today. But for the most part, yeah. It just, it just kind of comes
when you're in the flow. I mean, it's like it's like the favorite example that I use is music example. You know, Paul McCartney wrote the song yesterday. And they woke up with a song in his head. It was all done. He didn't have the words to it. So it was like scrambled eggs and ham or something but the develop the words for it, but the song The melody was already in his head. And does that how it happens for the creative types like you that that sometimes the the whole premise is already just kind of shows up in your
head. Sometimes. Yeah.
That's that's got to be a weird feeling.
Definitely, I mean, yeah, sometimes you'll wake up or the worst is when you're falling asleep at night, and all of a sudden, you've got this whole book coming out and you're like, crap, because when I was saying about having notepad or a notepad, always beside my bed, there are no pads, there are pens. My cat gets really mad when I turn on the light at about midnight and go, wait a sec, I have to get this on paper.
So it's just something that just sort of where do you think it comes from?
You know, I wish I knew. It's just it's just a flow that just comes out. And for me personally, I know a lot of people write on computers but I have always written my first draft is always pen and paper. And it's the one thing called the heart mind connection. So everything comes out of your head through your heart or vice versa and onto the paper. And it's just this. I just like to think of it as this flow that comes from the universe somewhere. That I just happen to be the person that gets to write it.
With you. Do you are you familiar with Neale Donald Walsch?
I have heard the name. Yeah, for sure. He wrote Conversations
with God, one, two, and three and revelations with God and a bunch of other titles. And he did the same process that you use. He has a yellow legal pad. And he started writing it because he started writing on the paper and he said, What does it take to make this life work there? Why can't I make my life work? And he got an answer. Which was, do you want? Do you want to know the answer to these questions? Are you just venting and that became legal pad after legal pad and created a a whole dynamic of what he did and he attributed to the divine the universe, whatever that that that was kind of it just his brain was set up for it to flow that way. Is that kind of how you feel like yours is?
Absolutely. And yeah, I don't have legal pads but I have more notebooks kicking around. And everywhere I go like my purse, my I have a backpack I take to work all the time. I have my laptop bag that sits beside me all the time. There's like no pads and pens everywhere. Because that's my preferred way of just letting it slow.
And there's nobody that is telling you any of this is just kind of just shows up. So doing now, do your do your game. You have three boys, right? Yeah. So did they say oh, there goes mom, she's writing again.
They were used to that hang on one second, almost. They were also used to mom standing beside the stove, cooking dinner and stirring with one hand and writing with the other. Which is really hard when you're left handed. And
indeed, did you ever make a mistake? And like, you know, put the wrong ingredients in? Because you were writing?
Well, I'll just say you can't write with spaghetti.
Good point. It's a good point. It gets lumpy, and then get on clump together and stuff. Yeah, yeah. So you don't want to do that. So now you've written your preferred genre, if you will, is mystery. Is that right? It is. Yeah. And so tell us about some of the books you've written?
Um, let me see. Go back to the start. Like I was always writing, I wasn't sure. Kind of what I was writing. I just knew I had to write. And I entered contests one time. And for anybody who wants to write a book, here's a fun idea. They used to have those old murder mystery party games. Oh, I remember those. Yeah. And they give you the people, they give you clues. They give you all kinds of information. This particular contest was they gave you basically everything from the party game, and told you to write one chapter of a book from each person's point of view. So you had to create the entire murder mystery, from beginning to end from different people's point of view per chapter. If you ever want to work on characters, that is one great way to do it.
At this kind of reminds me of that. What was the name of that? board game? Clue? That's it. That's it. It is it was Miss Marvel In the interest in the parlor with the knife. Anyway. So that's kind of how that worked for you.
Yeah, it was and I ended up winning the contest for you congratulate. So that was how my first novella was published. And that's when I went. I kind of liked writing mysteries. I've always read them. I don't know why I never thought to write them. So well, that started Yeah, that's sorted. The whole 14 I've got four different series and 14 different books. And the newest one is just on the on my editing pile right now. So that's going to be my Christmas break.
So if I were to go, I don't know I was recently in an airport. If I was to go to the gift shop in an airport, would I find Diane Baker there?
Probably not. But definitely all of my books are online. You can order them from absolutely anywhere. They because I work with a smaller Canadian publisher. They are all available everywhere, but they're not all in bookstores and stuff. So that's just but they will Oh, my my other good news. I'm one of them will be actually out on audio in 2024. So I'm very excited for them.
Oh, really? That's, that's cool. Do you have the voice all done are
just starting the process, I just found out that they're actually this is through my publisher that they're actually doing this. Starting next year, they're getting it all ready to go. So I have
I know a guy who's got a terrific radio voice, really say his name, but he might be available.
I will let them know.
Well, because I what I'm going to play in a little bit is so absence of the Elmo, which is the matches going to join us and I want I want, it's kind of like if two professional golfers get together, I want the two of you that are professional writers to kind of talk back and forth in a language that I probably won't get. You know, because and you can help each other and you can help him get the word out about his books, and maybe maybe get them public? I don't know. Well, we'll see. We'll see how that goes. But, but by the way, we're talking with Diane beta, and you can go to Diane baker.ca. Find out all the information about her if you would like to, to hire her as your personal coach, I think you would do that for them once you Oh, absolutely. And that might be a great way if you if you have a bunch of notepads with a bunch of writing on it. Well, there's just sitting there, and you're going in and you're thinking to yourself, you know, maybe I should get this published. And you haven't got any earthly idea how to even go about that. Either self publishing or having done through a publisher. They can help you with that, that whole process and she can also edit it for you. But which is a weird thing I want you to
do Totally agree.
Well, you would have made a great engineer, if he had you done something else because that's the kind of mind that you have to have. It's got to be organized and, and ready to go. I'm all over the board. I couldn't do anything like that.
I just stumbled on the math that's up.
You do what?
I would stumble over the math. Oh, yeah.
To be an engineer. Yeah. No, I get that. But me words. I'm great. Yes, indeed, well, everybody's got their own forte. I can say them, but I can't write them and stuff. So that's just me. Anyway, Diane is with us, we need to take a quick break, for the couple of messages are just going to take a second. And then we're going to be joined by Matt Shea, who's a local author. And he's been on the show before and he's a he's a really good guy and we're going to talk about him Dianne writing and and all of that. So stay right there with us. And I'll be right back in just a minute. You're listening to positive talk radio, on K K NW. 11:50am. See, there's already a voice let it go. So we'll be right back.
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Hey there, I'm excited that you're listening right now. And if you like what we're doing here, you're gonna love positive talk radio dotnet on positive talk radio.net. Each show which is recorded live is packed with positive information with real people discussing real issues and positive solutions that can work for everyone. I hope that you'll join us on positive talk radio dotnet and listen to all 340 Plus shows. I think it's worth your time. That's just me. That's positive talk radio dotnet your home for great progressive positive podcast. And welcome back everybody to positive talk radio. My name is Kevin McDonald. I am your host of record. And we've got a great guest for you today. Her name is Diane Bader. She is a writing coach. And she's an author. She's written 14 books, and I didn't you know, I thought I'd have to go a while before I could find somebody who has written more books and Mr. Shea, Matt Shea but you you've done that. So he was stuck at nine for a while. Now he's got 10 that is in the editing process. You know how that goes and all of that. So So with that I'd like to bring Matt on the phone to meet Diane Matt and Diane me Diane,
I and it is my pleasure to meet you. I've been listening since the start of the show. And I just loved your approach to writing how you live it. It's encompass throughout your everyday life. I love it.
It's great. Go ahead.
No, it's just can say thank you. It's Pleasure to meet you met.
Kevin a lot of fun. He's, he's great chicks you are.
Wow. Well, thank you. Thank you very much. We do have a we do have a good time here. And but I wanted to I want to do one of the things that I've done with Matt, because I've known him for a little while. And he picked out a book that he wanted me to voice for him to do a audiobook. And it's called Elmo. And I was so intrigued with his writing style and what he did. That is voice of work, and it's out there now, man, if they want to go pick up the book, Elmo, how do they go do that?
I would take them to my website, bath, se, ma TT sh e books.net. Because at the very top of it, I have a free audiobook, that you scroll down and there are the free samples that we get the audiobooks and when we get to Elmo, that is Mr. Kevin McDonald himself do get you did a magnificent job, my friend.
Well, well, thank you and I but I want Diane's and Diane's thoughts, about what because I did a little synopsis. And it's just a little bit more than a minute, but I wanted to get your idea and Matt, I've updated it a little bit too. So I wanted to get your idea what you what you think of my ability to do that kind of work. You ready? Okay. All right. Elmo is a story about an economic crisis in the small town of minor fundraisers, food drives and generous donations have initially held the financial planning at bay. Eventually, the township was forced to bend with the rest of the nation, causing the dads to volley back with a clever remedy. They would brave the winter nights and secretly take shifts dressed as a hobo on the corner of Main Street and the hill. Hi, my name is Kevin McDonald and Matt Shea, along with me have created this audio book that is so much more than just another story. It's about community, family, faith, and what can happen when everyone comes together for the common good of all, I enjoyed voicing this audio book, but moreso reading and feeling along with the people of minor and the sheer determination of the characters involved. Matt Shea is a wonderful author in the great tradition of American literature, and a very down to earth fellow who values his faith, family and friends above all, I hope you enjoy Elmo as much as I did. And that is Elmo. What So Diane, what did you think?
That's really good. I really enjoyed that.
No, good. Man. What do you think?
When I wrote Elmo, I was trying to find that missing piece. And it all came together when I met Kevin Macdonald. That book was designed to be read by Kevin McDonnell. Now it's complete.
Yeah, it really it was a lot of fun to do. And, and Matt, you're a really quality writer. But I and by the way, you can also go to well go to Matt shea.net. Is that match matchI books.net. And and you can download that book. It's it's very inexpensive, but it's but it's a really is a good read. And I honestly to tell you, honestly, during the while I was reading the book, there were times when I got emotional because it was a really cool, cool story, the way you put it together and stuff. But I want to set myself aside for just a moment. And let writer talk to writer a little bit. So Matt, do you have a question for Dan?
Well, I have praised to start off with, I commented out her writing as part of the who she is. And throughout her life, whether she's cooking spaghetti, or interrupting the cat because she had to get up past midnight, or she's addressing her three wonderful sons. She keeps writing going. Years and years ago by self, a Catholic boy, anon told us whenever you get an idea, write it down before you forget, because for the rest of your life, that's going to be an important card, how you could be a story. And so since grade school, I've been taking notes, and people would find them hidden in my bedroom colleagues and friends would find them in the dormitory, or I would remember them. But it's time they all come together. And I think I'm kind of describing Diane, because she's 14 Ain't books she's probably not even at my halfway point of her career yet. But she is living at 24 sevens forever and ever. You're both Diane.
Apparently that wasn't a question. You have a question for Matt.
I do. How did you get started writing that
I was a kid who was held back a year in grade school because I kept daydreaming. I looked out the window, we were even with the iPhone five and the flight pattern to Boeing filled and I picked out over learning things I didn't think I'd have to apply in life. So I just stay back. And you're in first grade, which I liked. Because second grade was the other side of the hall. And then we just had the street there wasn't as exciting. But anyway, I was always thinking about stuff and writing notes. And having it harmonized with the TV shows I'd watched at home. And events, I'd have story ideas. I had affordable grades in grade school, because I wasn't trying. But if I wrote a paper, I got praised for it. College, I was struggling with grades. But the ombudsman, the dean of students brought me in because they were going to kick me out of university, because they thought I did pleasure arising by selection. I wrote this, I show him how I wrote. So they reviewed it. And they said he's telling the truth. And they said you can do something here. And then later when I got a factory job, I've written a letter for the company that represents the company. And hey, that's not bad. So I was one of these guys who was lacking across the board. But I could do one or two things. So one of them apparently seems to be writing.
Well, I would disagree with when you're saying that you're lacking in, in, in any way that just happens to be how your brain works is Diane, when you were a kid, did you were you? Did you do a lot of daydreaming and fantasizing about different stuff
all the time. Oh, my goodness, I spent half the time staring at walls and thinking of things that I'd rather be doing, actually. But always doodling and making notes and the whole bit. So you know, it doesn't mean you're lacking anything. It just means your brain works. And I have been told this repeatedly that I think differently than a lot of people. And at first I took that I took offense to that. But the more I think about it, the more I'm like, Well, yeah, you know what, of course, because my perspective on things is not the same as anyone elses. And there's nothing I can do to change that. It's just the way I am.
What I admire is that among other things, you are a book coach, you're encouraging others to do what Diane has always done. Because of you. Many people were able to get their story out their thoughts, and the world receive it and accepted it. I liked that.
Thank you. Now, Matt, you're self published. Is that right? Yes. Have you thought about going to a publisher? And do you need some help? I know somebody.
Well, I've done that several times. But the best deal came through my present publisher. But I'm always willing to because whenever I study something, I send out a lot of chips than I compare it to what my present publisher has to offer. So I'm always willing to hear a new names add up. Throw them my two cents worth.
I'm glad you said the word chips. Because when you said I send down a lot of almost came close to that other word that you're not allowed to say.
You were fine, sir. Eric wasn't he had his finger on the button? But that's, you know, that's what he does. So, but it's, it's it's it's great. So they they answer you were a you fantasize a lot. What were your grades like growing up?
They were good for a while.
You got bored? Didn't you?
Bored? Yeah. You know, like I said, I'd rather be doing something else and being somewhere else or being someone else. And which is why I started to write because you know, life was more interesting when you can make your own little world and your own little stories from it.
I wanted to just point that out because I got bored in school as well. I and I was considered a lower than average student. And it was because I was bored and didn't really care about about what I was producing. Because it didn't matter to me. It was because I was busy in my own mind doing a bunch of other stuff and thinking about a bunch of other stuff I gotta do. Can I tell you a funny story? Real quick. Okay, please. Thank you. Well, this has has to do with writing And actually, in fact, I, one of the things that I, you know, we remember back in the day when we had spelling class and, and we would learn how to spell and and there would be a list of like 25 words that we would then have to spell and we had tests. Remember those days? What was that one time I decided because my teacher had said something to me that was less than complimentary about my sloppiness in writing because I just you know, wrote it down and I don't care, I'm here to go, I don't care, I got better things to do than this is stupid. And in any misplace it all right, that's it, I'm going to do it perfectly. And so I, in this particular spelling test, I did it perfectly. The handwriting was perfect. The words were perfectly spelled, everything looked great. And, and I turned that in the next day, in front of 30 kids who I didn't like very much. He said, in front of everybody. He brought up my spelling thing and said, you know, normally his work is really not very good. But today, this is what he is capable of doing. And it was like, the most embarrassing moments of my life because all the other kids were snickering. And it's like, You're right. He's not very smart. He just got lucky one time. But that's what happens to kids that are creative, and are out of the box. And they're not thinking about the the regimented way that you know, kids do. And the good kids in school are, and but we they don't reward people like you. And people like Matt, they consider you less than which is why Matt, even to this day says that he was less than that is just so not true. Do you agree with that? Damn.
Absolutely. And that becomes ingrained in you. You know, even at our age now. There's lots of times I'm sitting here going, oh, yeah, well, nobody's gonna buy it. So why am I writing it? But I can't stop writing it. Because it's just me.
Kevin and Diane, I was raised Catholic, and I do not have any negative to say about that. But we had lay teachers and because they didn't always have enough nuns to go around to teach the classrooms. And so we have Stella, Stella Mosca from the Baltic countries. And she was telling us how life has been here. Or hundreds of 1000s, if not millions of years. But sister aunt said, No, it says right here, we've only had life for 6000 years. And so I got the two of them together to see what was right. Because I wanted to get a good grade out of each class. They began some argue. And then they looked at me and they thought I was a clever instigator. And they got I got in trouble for causing an argument. And I just wanted a mutual understanding. So I give the same answer in each class. And years and years later, I wanted to confront sister and on this, Oh, didn't you hear? She ran off and got married. And here, you're trying to be so good to follow those guidelines. And they're human too, and all that stuff. But would you get hit a few times trying your best like you, Kevin's usually stupid. But this is a good example. It puts quite a contrast on you that wasn't in your favor.
And the cool thing is, is that over time, well, the cool thing and the not so cool thing is that over time, if you believe in yourself, and you understand who you really are, you can overcome a lot of these things. Unfortunately, a lot of people are not able to do that. Because they don't have the self esteem that they can overcome these things and it affects them for their entire life. And that is so sad. It makes me so angry, Diane.
Yeah, no, me too. I agree with you.
Because we've got so much pretension. Matt Go ahead.
At a young age a person could be scarred for life.
Absolutely, and oftentimes are and then they don't believe that they can accomplish anything so they don't try. And it's in the trying, that's where you have the success. You can do it if you try it you don't if you don't try and it's like you die and if somebody would have said to you, when you were sitting down writing, you know on your piece of paper, I met you the same thing. When you're sitting down on your piece of paper and you're starting your first novel, or novelette in your case, and and you have family and you have friends and they say what are you doing? Well I'm writing well, what for I'm gonna make it I'm gonna write a book. Oh now die and I And, you know, it takes a special type of person to be able to write a book and, and, you know, you really should get your head out of the clouds and, and go get that job and really, really work hard. Did anybody ever tell you that in your
life? Absolutely. All the time.
And you didn't listen to them, because you've got 14 Dang bucks.
I got 14 Dang books, and I have a full time job. So you know, sometimes you gotta compromise a little bit, but yeah, yeah. Well, now
Matt, did you have the same thing? Did you have people tell you Oh, mad, mad, mad. Yeah. And you're just not gonna be able to do that.
One of my, I think it was my third book. A family member was appalled when they learned I was writing books. And they wrote a horrible review that said, don't start and then they stopped mid sentence, but it got published on Amazon or whatever. And now it later they're telling me they liked my writings. They thought I had a lot of basmati to even begin that. And that really got the Mad it didn't put me in a hole that told me to stand further away from them. But now they have all my books. And I'm not great at it. I'm developing. I'm going through the learning curve. But I like it. And I have people write the back I touch people with the messy just as your shows do, just as Diane does. But yes, that has happened to me.
Can I say one thing here? Doesn't matter how many books you've written, every single book you write will be better than the last one. You are always learning always stretching in different directions for your description, your characters, everything, you're always going to be building on everything, you know, so you know, you're always going to be improving.
I gotta I gotta, I gotta Matt, can I share this with Diane? Please. He told me that his his 10th book is at the publisher. And it's getting ready to go through the editing. But you know, all that stuff is gonna go through. And the publisher read it and said, Matt, this is the best work you've ever done.
There you go. I have three different publishers and other wannabes. And one of them took my writings. And they placed them down in what order which was written without looking at the data. And they got it all right. They it's exactly what you're saying, Diana, you got to start somewhere, but build on it. Yeah.
And as far as reviews, I actually had a review. And it was from someone I know, who said they hated the characters. They hated this. They hated that they hated this, but they could relate to the main character. And they just went and you gave me four stars. I don't care. It's
well, some some people. When they see somebody that they know, who is doing some extraordinary things, and they're not. It makes them feel sad, defensive, angry. And so they tend to take it out on the person that is making the effort to do something extraordinary. Yeah, exactly. happened in my life. Apple Maps happening in yours happens to a lot of people's lives. And my my point here to you, ladies and gentlemen that are sitting in the audience today. Don't let that happen to you. Don't stop, never quit. Keep going. You can do it. I promise you can do,
Kevin. Yes, I have. I have listened to a lot of your shows, not just the ones you and I've done. In my mind. Every single show was held Kevin writes a book. They're all books beginning, middle and end with a theme a story and almighty inspiration each and every time period.
Well, Matt, you've been very, very kind to me. And I really, I really appreciate that. And it's I consider this to be well, not only is it my lifelong purpose that I've been gaining experiences of over my entire life to be able to be here at this moment with Diane with Matt and with the audience that's sitting out there. But it is it is something that I value and I just I just love to do it and then it's great. It's great fun having you here and Diane, it's been awesome. But we're not done yet. Will you come
back and talk to me some more? Oh, heavens. Yes.
And And Matt, you know, you You're You're a good man and you're You're a good friend and I'm proud of you. And I'm glad by the way, what's the name of your 10th book that's coming out.
It is called called Pavlov. It is for Pavlov and it has a horror story element about it. But it's not cultish.
Oh, well, that's what that's right up Diane's alley, you guys should talk about this. So, you know, I just think, more importantly, regardless of what any of us do, it's important that we recognize that we have value, and everybody on the planet has value. And don't let anybody tell you that you don't. From the bottom of my heart, if, if that's the message, that on my last day I can leave you with you is do not quit, and you have value, and take whatever you can and be calm, whatever you choose to bake, because you can do it. That's, that's, that's, that's my How is it? How's that, Matt?
Kevin, you have done it again, I have just met by Ann Bader, and I got a fabulous website to look at because of you. Diane, thank you so much universal gifts alive and strong for you.
Well, thank you. And definitely reach out to me, I do a blog where I help promote other authors. That's my give back. And reach out to me, I'm definitely once your new book comes out. Or even if you want to share an old one, we can set something up, and we'll get you promoted on there as well. Thank you. You're welcome.
And, by the way, I hear that Elmo was a wonderful audiobook.
So I had the very best in the business on that one.
I'm gonna have to check it out. I am looking forward to that. So
please do I actually do characters, which is rather odd. Okay,
that should be fun right there.
It's any, it's just, you know, that's, that comes from my acting background, from way back when but, you know, it's, it's great fun. And I didn't realize the depth and importance that this conversation was going to take and was going to have, but it really is. And I want to thank both of you for being here. Because it really is a universal concept that we do not treat each other as well as we should. And we don't believe we believe what other people tell us in the negative side, and we discount our gifts and we discount the positive side. I have only got two words for you. Stop it. I am What do you think
my two words are be kind. There is so much awful negative stuff out there in the world. If everybody just does one thing to be nice to somebody else every day, that would already be a big start.
So I knew I liked you
when we get along?
Exactly. Matt, I've just got a couple of minutes left anything you'd like to add? Before we go.
I have just very appreciative of the obvious salt positive talk into a mess I am and again, how exciting 14 books for websites, right? Do I have that website forever and ever. Thank you, Kevin. And thank you, Diane,
thank you.
Thank you, Matt Shea, he's gonna be on. As we get closer to February, which is the release date of his brand new book, I'm going to twist his arm and make him come on, I won't have to twist it very hard. I'm afraid I am not gonna make him come out and we'll talk about it. But Diane, we've just got about a minute and a half left, I'd like you to be able to tell our audience anything that you would like them to know.
All of my books right now are half price on Smashwords. So if anybody is interested, you can go to Smashwords and register and you can buy any or all of the 14 books for half price and hopefully have a really great read for Christmas.
Smashwords what is I've never heard of that worse
words. I know. It's like, like a Kobo, like what's the other ones? Kind of a mini Amazon. But it's all bucks. So.
Oh, cool. Well, I highly suggest that anybody that is looking for a great Christmas present that go to your website, they can buy it from your website, right?
Um, yeah, the links are all there, you can click right on through and purchase them on the website.
And that would be an awesome Christmas present. And you can say, honestly, the you know, the author, he was on positive talk radio. So or you can go by math books math daily, again, how do they get that done?
It would be math, say sh e AE Bookstart. Matt. When you scroll down, you get a free audiobook. And eventually you will see the links to elbow and then you will find Kevin Macdonald himself in all of his glory.
Such as that is that's why I'm on the radio, you know. In any event, it is such a pleasure to have both of you here. And thank you again, I'd like to thank Eric for helping me through Last week and like chord experience and that was, that was a lot of fun and stuff and Diane Boehner go to Diane boehner.ca Find out all the information about her Matt Shea books.net. Find out all the information about him and go to positive talk radio.net And you can get all the information by me. And in the meantime, we'll be back on Friday but I want you to know on Wednesday, and remember Be kind to one another because each other as always. We'll see you Wednesday at four