This was a title I had thought of many times if ever I were to write something. I took a deep breath and just sat for a second with my pen hovering on the first line. The story began itself,
Athena hugged the wall as she took the grey painted stairs one at a time.
An hour later, my pen stopped. I got up and went to work. The next day, my eyes opened at 4 am and the process repeated itself. This happened daily. I had a lot of resistance putting down a story that I quickly recognized was something based on my life. I was Athena. I didn’t want to relive it much less share it with anyone. But the voice was relentless and writing was the only remedy. I promised myself that I would commit to writing the story to completion. I wrote from 4 am to 5 am every single day for 15 months. It took 9 more months to dictate and type the journals into the computer.
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