Intense, boldly told, and blatantly impactful, Toxic Family: Transforming Childhood Trauma into Adult Freedom is an activation of new world order from a brave and love-filled human heart. Not your ordinary life cycle, this piece will draw you into an evolved way of perceiving your own life experience and all that is possible with a sprinkle of courage to face the truth with a new point of view. Once the journey is complete for this opus, Susan leaves us with support including practical tools and resources for healing.
Without provocation, but with angelic kindness, Susan Gold is a catalyst for an awakening to an extraordinary discovery of Self. Living the path of truth and authenticity is not for the weak-hearted. It is one of ultimate freedom. In reading the book, you will be activated by the engagement. Conversation, guided exercises, or Susan’s sharing of intuitive knowing move you toward your own remembrance and reclamation of the parts of you in need of love, honor, and transformation. Indeed, the experience may be expanding and magical.
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Author Transformer Consultant
SHORT: Susan Gold is magical.
Navigating a ferociously challenging upbringing while bravely moving forward as an adult to face ingrained, outdated, and patriarchal programming head-on, Susan now shares a unique perspective in viewing life challenges as occasions for transformation.
Through her book, Toxic Family: Transforming Childhood Trauma into Adult Freedom, Susan turns the standard paradigm on its head courageously leading others through her own journey of abuse, addiction, and surviving narcissism all while creating a distinctly empowering personal and professional life.
LONG A BIO: Susan Gold was raised in a challenging and chaotic family system, the middle child of five. To fully thrive, she bravely chose to meet the demons of her upbringing that were continuing to repeat. Her book, "Toxic Family: Transforming Childhood Trauma into Adult Freedom" is about that journey.
Professionally, Susan became known for attaching celebrity talent to projects in NYC which led her to produce for television and film and on to Los Angeles. She convinced modern art legend Andy Warhol to do an on-camera commercial for Pontiac, a talent deal American TV personality Donny Deutsch still claims as one of his best, helped launch Fox News Channel at the request of Chair, Roger Ailes, and on behalf of Disney Channel persuaded A-list celebrities including Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Taylor Swift, David Beckham and more to be interviewed by cartoon characters…Phineas & Ferb.
Susan is a decorated endurance athlete competing in three mara… Read More