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Positive Talk Radio

I grew up in a family with its feet in the past and its head in the future. My grandmothers were taught rudimentary reading and writing at home, but my father and uncles were university graduates and part of Iran's emerging technocratic elite. I've come a very long way even from that: whereas one of my great grandfathers had 25 wives and concubines, I have a PhD from MIT.

I am curious: fascinated as much by technology as by the human experience. I started writing for Iranian magazines and journals (including the prestigious weekly Ferdousi) at the age of 14. As a journalist, I became acutely aware of the chasm developing between the traditionalists living in south Tehran and the modernists living in North Tehran. My grandparents lived in South Tehran. I lived with my family in North Tehran. I knew both sides.

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Kevin McDonald


Creator and Host of Positive Talk Radio and its Parent Company