Home of Authentic G.R.I.T.

Welcome to Positive Talk Radio, home of authentic G.R.I.T. So you may ask what is authentic G.R.I.T? Well, let me tell you. G.R.I.T. is a state of being that can bring success and happiness to all people who employ its principles. Whatever you define as success;  it’s your choice whether it is personal happiness, professional success or spiritual enlightenment. 


The secret to true happiness is authentic G.R.I.T. which is sometimes a natural state of being, but mostly is a learned behavior, created with purpose and over time. It takes time, awareness and dedication to bring these ideals to life however, it is something we can all learn how to do if we so choose. Here is the definition of Authentic G.R.I.T.


Authentic G.R.I.T.

G-ratitude, always Developing personally, Professionally and Spiritually 

R-esilient, never quit, Strength of character, Positive, Passionate, Humble

I-ndomitable Spirit, Hardiness, Excellence, Purpose, Powerful, Kind, Honest                           

T-ough, mentally Determined, Hard working, Courageous and Creative


Over time, and through powerful interviews and discussions Positive Talk Radio will delve deep into these principles and provide guidance for you to begin to live life to the very best of your abilities and create the life you are worthy to live. I hope you will join us!


“Evolving ideas one conversation at a time”

Kevin McDonald

