Amy Color

Amy Color Profile Photo

The Intimacy Coach

Amy Color is The Intimacy Coach. She helps people with sexual shame and relationship issues feel safe to connect, communicate, and explore whole body sensual pleasure, together. She delivered a memorable TEDtalk Better Intimacy for Better Sex with over 1M views. She wrote: The Huddle: How to Score In Sex & Love. Her revolutionary online program the Intimacy Game Plan is a step-by-step formula to a playful relationship ~ without just talking.

Sept. 22, 2023

600 | Intimacy Expert! - Interview - Amy Color

I’m Amy Color, The Intimacy Coach and like all great coaches I’m here to get you results. I’ve created techniques that help bypass the fight or flight reflex of the brain, activate the parasympathetic nervous system keeping you feeling secure and connected. Cumulative positive pleasurable experienc…
June 22, 2023

530 | Your Guide to a Healthy and Intimate Relationship! - Interview - Amy Color

530 | Your Guide to a Healthy and Intimate Relationship! - Interview - Amy Color I’m Amy Color, The Intimacy Coach and like all great coaches I’m here to get you results. I’ve created techniques that help bypass the fight or flight reflex of the brain, activate the parasympathetic nervous system…
May 13, 2023

496 | Debunking ALL Misconceptions about Intimacy! - Interview - Amy Color

I’m Amy Color, The Intimacy Coach and like all great coaches I’m here to get you results. I’ve created techniques that help bypass the fight or flight reflex of the brain, activate the parasympathetic nervous system keeping you feeling secure and connected. Cumulative positive pleasurable experienc…
May 8, 2023

490 | Intimacy Myths & Facts - Interview - Amy Color

I’m Amy Color, The Intimacy Coach and like all great coaches I’m here to get you results. I’ve created techniques that help bypass the fight or flight reflex of the brain, activate the parasympathetic nervous system keeping you feeling secure and connected. Cumulative positive pleasurable experienc…
April 28, 2023

485 | How You Can Improve Your Relationship with your Partner - Interview - Amy Color

I’m Amy Color, The Intimacy Coach and like all great coaches I’m here to get you results. I’ve created techniques that help bypass the fight or flight reflex of the brain, activate the parasympathetic nervous system keeping you feeling secure and connected. Cumulative positive pleasurable experienc…
April 17, 2023

472 | Having Intimacy Issues? WATCH THIS! - The Intimacy Coach Interview - Amy Color

I’m Amy Color, The Intimacy Coach and like all great coaches I’m here to get you results. I’ve created techniques that help bypass the fight or flight reflex of the brain, activate the parasympathetic nervous system keeping you feeling secure and connected. Cumulative positive pleasurable experienc…
April 5, 2023

463 | How to Score in Sex & Love - Interview - Amy Color

I’m Amy Color, The Intimacy Coach and like all great coaches I’m here to get you results. I’ve created techniques that help bypass the fight or flight reflex of the brain, activate the parasympathetic nervous system keeping you feeling secure and connected. Cumulative positive pleasurable experienc…