Anja S Geitz

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Former New Yorker who made the transition to Los Angeles a few years ago, I worked as a graphic designer down on Wall Street for many years, an editor and copywriter for a trade publication in the property management industry, and a writing instructor for a large trade union. Having always had a knack for writing promotional copy along with a natural curiosity about people's stories, I decided to finally launch my own writing business. While there have been times in the last two years where it’s been a bit of an entrepreneurial roller coaster ride, each time I meet someone new, make a valuable connection, or begin a new project, I know I’ve made the right decision to build something I can call my own.

Jan. 23, 2023

402 | An Amazing Copywriter & Content Creator, Anja Geitz!

I'm Anja. I’ve been a copywriter, editor, and blogger for 10+ years. My specialties include choosing particular words on purpose, and then arranging them in ways that please that part of the brain that enjoys a good meal and a glass of wine. Amateur chef and animal lover in my free time, I spen…