Meditation teacher, book author and retreat host
Author, speaker, and meditator Chris Cirak is passionate about turning sophisticated topics into accessible, meaningful, and inspiring experiences. With an extensive background in design, psychology, and tech, he breaks down traditional teachings to make ancient wisdom accessible and discoverable by modern audiences. His BE YOU mindfulness program helps you gain transformative insights by following a simple, step-by-step approach to reacting less and thriving more. In private, Chris enjoys spending time in nature, playing tennis, and writing music. He resides in Bali, Indonesia.
I'm Chris and I’ve been practicing meditation since 2015. I came to it because all the things society says lead to happiness, didn’t. Chasing outcome after outcome left me feeling empty and burnt out. There had to be a better …
I'm Chris and I’ve been practicing meditation since 2015. I came to it because all the things society says lead to happiness, didn’t. Chasing outcome after outcome left me feeling empty and burnt out. There had to be a better …