Chris Sutton

Chris Sutton Profile Photo


Born in UK, travelled a lot growing up, lived in BVI's in late 90's teaching people to sail yachts, moved to Dubai in 2000 and lived there for 10 years building up a leisure consulting business, both my children were born in Dubai. Moved to BC in 2009 after the crash, built the business back up consulting to surf parks, bike parks, ski resorts etc. Over the years invested in other businesses, backcountry snowmobile business, euro car shop, bed and bale horse travel app, indoor skate park in Australia. From a personal perspective, am a passionate rally driver (won the 2022 BC RallyX Championship in 2WD class) and currently race the western Canadian championship and certain races in Washington and Oregon driving a 2003 Renault Clio Sport. Outside of rally driving, I do a lot of horse riding, boating, wakeboarding, surfing and sailing in the summer and snowmobiling and skiing in the winter months. Yes I keep busy!

Sept. 8, 2023

590 | Process of Implementing Global Development Strategy! - Intervie…

Chris’ background in leisure operations stands him in good stead as he drives the company forward in today’s exciting and competitive market. He is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the company’s global development strategy and ensuring that key markets …

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Aug. 17, 2023

578 | Inspiring Journey of 2 Talented People! - Interview - Chris Sut…

The New Positive Talk Radio Show aims to entertain, enlighten, empower and educate by declaring freedom from hate, division and fear. In short, his aspiration is to create a better way of living for all. “Positive Talk Radio is my …

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