Indra Rinzler

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Indra Rinzler is a life time spiritual seeker. He’s a healer, teacher, and offers life readings for clients. Astrology and the Enneagram of Personality are the main modalities that he shares. He’s been studying astrology and spirituality for fifty years. He first learned of the Enneagram of Personality in 1999. He uses these two modalities individually and in combination. His focus is to help clients to awake up to who they really are. He works to help people to live beyond their conditioned stories and to live more in the moment.

Nov. 28, 2023

649 | Discovering You: A Journey to Self-Exploration - Interview - In…

I offer help in your search to find true solutions. My goal is to mentor you to transcend beliefs of limitation. We can see through conditioned behavior and behaviors drop away as they lose their usefulness. There is a tidal …

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