Author, Speaker, Trainer
Through OWL (Optimal Wisdom Learning), Dr. Janice Fletcher teaches the important six-step process of how an Aha! Moment happens as well as how to create and sustain them. Wise access to right-brain higher thinking is the basis for all creativity, genius, and intuition.
She is an author and international speaker/trainer. Her vast experience in educational leadership has afforded a myriad of teaching, coaching, and speaking to lead positive change for individuals, groups and communities. She integrates the six-step message of the Aha! Moment into all topics. The culmination of her experience is evidenced in her books:
1. My Life's Magical Moments: A journal of Aha! Moments, insights, and miracles
2.Teach with Spirit: The Teacher's Inward Journey Guide
3. Wisdom from the Inner Teacher: Turning Aha!s into OWL Moments (Optimal Wisdom Learning.)
She shares her Aha OWL message to educators, executives, community groups and spiritual seekers. The Aha! Moment process can be interpreted through a physical/biological, social, psychological, or spiritual lens.
She shares her Aha OWL message to Educators, Executives, Community groups and spiritual seekers. The Aha! Moment process can be interpreted through a physical/biological, social, psychological, or spiritual lens.
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