Jill E. Schultz

Jill E. Schultz Profile Photo

Best-selling Author, Serial Entrepreneur, Disrupter, and Speaker

Jill E. Schultz is a best-selling author, serial entrepreneur, disrupter, and speaker. It is Jill’s mission to help release people from shame related to sexual trauma or any secret that is holding them back. Her own experience of acting out with other children when she was just a child herself has led her to speak out on this taboo topic and help anyone who has a secret or felt shame of any kind create a life of love, success, and abundance.

July 22, 2024

827 | Jill Schultz on Overcoming Trauma: How She Now Helps Others Hea…

Jill is boldly stepping out and vulnerably admitting that as a result of her own sexual trauma at age 4, she innocently and curiously experimented with other children when she was a child herself. For 41 years she lived with …

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