Luz Nazario

Luz Nazario Profile Photo

CEO and educator

Luz Nazario is the creator and founder of NEDA’s Coquito and a veteran educator with more than 25 years' experience preparing and educating the future game changers in Miami, Florida. More than four years ago, Luz decided to make some game changing moves that Christmas as funds ran low, she needed to do something quick to tie the family over till she returned to work. Thus, using the ingredients already at home, not ordinary and not from Abuela. Luz knew how to make coquito but wanted something different. After playing around with and tweaking the recipe she arrived at No Es De Abuela’s Coquito.

Aug. 27, 2024

860 | Nancy and Amy Harrington Helping Women Unite: Discussing Today'…

Sisters Nancy and Amy Harrington have been inspired by the new women’s movement and decided to use their skills as celebrity interviewers to tell a different kind of story through The Passionistas Project Show, the annual Power of Passionistas diversity, …

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