Naturopathic Herbalist & Holistic Life Coach
Mayim Vega, is a Naturopathic Herbalist & Holistic Life Coach. She started in 2009 to help people become healthy and heal themselves of serious diseases such as cancer, heart disease & high blood pressure, diabetes, as well as other common issues such as hormone imbalances, abnormal bleeding, migraines, eczema, kidney stones, gallstones, cataracts, urinary tract infection, and more.
She has studied nutrition, herbalism, naturopathy, and health and life coaching. She learned from the top healers of our generation, the kind of people who are censored, blocked, forced to move their clinics out of the country, or worse, because their health and healings are so powerful they would topple the modern medical system if allowed to flourish.
People started began asking her to start teaching what she knows, including 2 medical doctors. So when she realized that there was such a demand for the knowledge she has, that even medical doctors were willing to learn from her, she shifted the focus of to delivering her Naturopathic Herbalism and Health Coach Certification Program. Now she trains people to become the healers of their home and community, and create profitable online health coaching businesses.
If you’re interested in becoming a holistic healer, visit: