Robert Chiossi (Daemon Manx)

Robert Chiossi (Daemon Manx) Profile Photo

Daemon Manx

Robert Chiossi is an author of fiction and nonfiction who has a story to tell. After an ongoing battle with addiction, Robert found himself facing an even greater struggle, a decade long prison sentence. It was behind the walls in one of the darkest places imaginable, where Robert found inspiration, hope, and the strength to turn his life around.
There were mentors along the journey, men who would teach and inspire, and there were a great many hurdles as well. Robert focused his energies on spirituality and education, earning himself a college education and a renewed faith.
Today, Robert is an author and has opened his own publishing company: Last Waltz Publishing. he speaks out about addiction and prison to offer his experience, strength and hope so he might be able to help others.
He writes nonfictional memoirs under his own name and fiction under the pen, Daemon Manx.

Nov. 5, 2022

351 | Daemon Manx on Positive Talk Radio!

Daemon Manx is an award-winning American author who writes horror, suspense, supernatural, and speculative fiction. Daemon has recently been nominated for the 2021 Splatterpunk awards for his debut, Abigail in the best short story category. He is a member of the Horror Authors Guild (HAG) and ha…