After spending most of my adult life responding to major disasters, both in the military and as a civilian I am switching gears and focusing on sharing the lessons learned. This book is part of that process. It is my second book; my first was published in 1999 and is a forensic textbook.

I have tried to approach writing and speaking for that matter as a storyteller – transporting the reader to different places, times, and experiences, bringing to life the events I have seen firsthand. With the goal of highlighting key lessons, I have observed — in leadership, crisis management, and transitioning through life-changing events to a new normal.

These disasters included OKC Bombing, Bali Bombings, Boxing Day Tsunami, 2010 Haitian Earthquake, Grenfell Tower Fire, 911 attacks, and sadly so many others. I have also written an op-ed for USA today, as well as different pieces for other publications.

Along with those, there are a series of print/audio/tv interviews. If you want to see those or what I am writing about they are here on this website under media.