
Nov. 15, 2021

Dr Rachel Wellner- Children‘s book author and so much more!

Dr. Marsha Roo and her crew are living in Australia teaching healthy habits to the other animals in their town. But she turns into Doctoroo! to help solve mysteries all over the world! In this book, Dr. Marsha and her friends help Hilda the Hippo, a famo...

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Nov. 15, 2021

Shanti Hershenson-14 year old Author of 12 books!

An amazing young lady, who has a very special gift, She has written books, poetry and even a series! one of which is over 800 pages! www.

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Nov. 12, 2021

Asher T. Sinclair Digital Eco Artist

I am a passionate visionary, with a creative imagination, strong attention to detail, and a sharp eye. A terrific interview! Asher shows what passion drive and an undying love for what he does. We can all learn from him!

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Nov. 11, 2021

Greta McClain- author-Silence No Longer

Executive Director. Silent No Longer Tennessee Contact. Greta. Country or state . United States (Tennessee) Available to . North America. Fee . Languages . English. Volunteer: Yes. Personal Details. Bio. I am a former police officer, victims of crime coo...

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Nov. 5, 2021

Alyssa Couture-Fashion Designer and Author

Alyssa Couture is a fashion designer on a mission to create a sustainable natural line of clothes and has written the book Healthy Fashion- The Deeper Truth, a must read! It is the future of our planet

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Nov. 4, 2021

The Lunch Club- David Essel, Author, Radio Host and personal coach

David Essel is the New Leader of the “Positive Thinking Movement”.” Jenny McCarthy Radio Show Host, Actress, Author, TV Host “For 40 years David has been the leader in helping millions of people change their subconscious mind which changes their lives.”

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Nov. 3, 2021

Dana Parker- Inner World Movement

In this episode we talk about following your dreams, making them happen and, my new company and podcast offerings

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Nov. 2, 2021

Dr Raman Attri- author of 20 books on making business run better. gre…

Dr Raman K Attri is a multifaceted personality as a scientist, author, speaker, L&D leader, and artist.He is the world’s leading authority on the “science of speed” in professional learning and performance. A performance scientist with two decades of res...

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Oct. 27, 2021

Rocky Rosen- The cigarette whisperer

Why Choose Rocky Rosen to Stop Smoking? Do you smoke? Do you wish you didn't? Have you tried to stop smoking in the past? Have you tried other cessation programs to stop using cigarettes, cigars, tobacco, or other nicotine products? Rocky Rosen d...

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Oct. 27, 2021

Dana Parker - Great Life Coach!

Dana Parker comes to visit and talks about being a life coach, relationships and how she helps women become all they can be!

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Oct. 26, 2021

Positive Talk Radio- Eric and Matt sub for Kevin

KKNW 1150 AM is a radio station in Seattle and Positive Talk Radio does a couple of Hours a week in this case Eric Hall and Matt Shea Sup for Kevin

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Oct. 22, 2021

Matt The Rally Driver and car maker

In this episode Eric, who something about cars and I, who knows nothing, talk with Matt, who built his car from the ground up, but races it too! An amazing hobby.

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Oct. 21, 2021

Shot Down! By Author Steve Snyder details the true story of his fathe…

Belgium... February 8, 1944... Shot Down and Alive For the first time, the full and complete story of the B-17 Flying Fortress Susan Ruth is shared in unbelievable detail. Author Steve Snyder’s story of his father, Lieutenant Howard Snyder, and the Susan...

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Oct. 21, 2021

Majungas the band- plays songs written about Seattle

Ever hear about the Troll in Fremont or the Sunday market in Ballard, both are in Seattle and Mike Gentle Came on vacation and wrote songs about them cause they touched him so much, a great interview! A great lunch club Interview

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Oct. 21, 2021

Conversations with Coryelle- Inspire Others- don‘t try to change them!

Inspiration is the key, can you inspire people to be who they could be? Cause as we know you certainly cannot change them!

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Oct. 18, 2021

PTR on KKNW Brandon Wainwright- Author Tyson‘s Gift

How can the passing of a beloved pet, change your life? Brandon Wainwright experienced such a transformation when his dog Tyson passed . A great read and interview

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Oct. 14, 2021

Conversations With Coryelle- Who are your real friends and how can yo…

Coryelle Kramer is an amazingly gifted animal and people communicator who provides insight to some of the most complex issues of life. This episode is more of the same!

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Oct. 12, 2021

Positive Talk Radio- Dana Parker- Reclaim Y.O.U.

Dana Parker Life coach joins Kevin for a great discussion

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Oct. 12, 2021

Conversations With Coryelle-Stream of well being

Coryelle discusses a natural phenomenon that affects all of us sometimes called the stream of well being

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Oct. 7, 2021

PTR-Returns Wednesday show Player Introduction

In this new presentation, we take a little time to inroduce the players who will help me make a positive impact in the world!

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Oct. 4, 2021

Conversations with Coryelle- Embracing Change

Some of us hate change, Coryelle teaches us to embrace it and use it for good!

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Sept. 30, 2021

Positive Talk Radio Returns! Preview show

After 18 years Positive Talk Radio returns to KKNW 1150 AM in Seattle! It has been my passion for years to continue the show I started in 2003 come down memory lane with me as we play clips from the last show and the heartfelt love from our audience from...

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Sept. 30, 2021

PTR Laurie Levin-Best Selling Author- Call Me a Woman

My life-long attraction to the “exotic” began when Miss Trosen, my 5th grade teacher, introduced our class to the topic of evolution, complete with glossy illustrations of lumbering Neanderthals in hot pursuit of a woolly mammoth. This pivotal event, coi...

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Sept. 27, 2021

PTR- Paul Draper- magician, mind reader, and awesome entertainer

Paul Draper is an anthropologist, academic, and an award-winning mentalist, magician, and film maker. As an anthropologist and communications expert specializing in the cognitive science of religious beliefs, he has lectured at fortune 500 companies and ...

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